KF-Disco  (Read 55038 times)


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« on: December 18, 2011, 19:44 »
I'm proudly releasing my first map.^^

As the name says it's a disco, what it doesn't say: It's a real hardcore map.
Let's see if you survive till the final wave :P

Special thanks to Vanico for advice and testing.

Outdated version:

New version:
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 22:23 by N3Cr0 »

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2011, 01:41 »
Nice first map concept, and the music starts when the zombies come :)

Great little meshes, and you used the BSP grid, woohoo!

But sadly there's a size problem.  That's confusing the AI - they wander around, unsure.  If I was upstairs the downstairs zs were confused and visa-versa.  Even when I was behind the entry desk, which was pathed with a pickup, the zs were still confused.

Stock size measurement should be FP or Boss, not KFHumanPawn.  Latter is useful for scale of objects and rooms, but FP or Boss should be able to fit down the stairs, etc.

 Notice the UT default step widths are 256, and the cube default is 256, for a reason.   I would suggest minimum width and heights, 192.   (step 8: http://themiasma.com/index.php/topic,111.0.html )

You need to think on a larger scale.

If you're interested in a re-work and not too pissed, convert those spirals stairs to static meshes.  And all other static meshes can be copied to a map with larger sizes so the AI is not wandering around confused.

But nice first map!


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2011, 06:38 »
Thanks, Snipe.

Well, I already noticed the issue with the stairs, but I thought resizing will cause some issues or will be very ardous. (Also the whole dance floor is a little bit too small.)
My solution was to add 2 spawns on the upper floor. Also I thought it's an acceptable option when FPs appear.


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2011, 17:02 »
Thanks, Snipe.

Well, I already noticed the issue with the stairs, but I thought resizing will cause some issues or will be very ardous. (Also the whole dance floor is a little bit too small.)
My solution was to add 2 spawns on the upper floor. Also I thought it's an acceptable option when FPs appear.

I'm not sure you understand what I'm saying.  Zombies must be able to move freely.  In your map they cannot.


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2011, 17:15 »
Sure, but I didn't like to rebuild the whole level one more time. Also I feared it could be more complex to do so, for example I experienced the architecture will not snap to the grid anymore.

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2011, 17:58 »
I will try to enlarge the map this week ;)


Just have ported my map to my other computer. All map information is gone, also the preview picture in the map browser.
Have you encountered the same issue at this map?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 08:09 by N3Cr0 »

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2011, 16:07 »
I will try to enlarge the map this week ;)


Just have ported my map to my other computer. All map information is gone, also the preview picture in the map browser.
Have you encountered the same issue at this map?

Means some files weren't in the mylevel, ie, the preview picture.  But I saw the preview pic.  No reports of missing files, so that's a weird one :s

Anyway, have a look at this for fancy disco light effects


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2011, 16:21 »
Great, I wanna release a fixed version as a beta anyway because I also want to make the tables and chairs to Karma actors, but I don't know anything about that yet. I will learn it later.

When I have all the stuff I want into the map I will release the final version.

By the way:

If you're interested in a re-work and not too pissed, convert those spirals stairs to static meshes.

I think that's not the best solution because the texture may not fit then or it has the wrong size and you can't change it.

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2011, 18:33 »
OK, I have added the new version to the first post.

It's just a beta version because I will add a few features later.

PS: Please test it and tell me if it's hard enough or if I have to shorten some spawn times.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 18:37 by N3Cr0 »

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2011, 00:03 »
OK, I have added the new version to the first post.

It's just a beta version because I will add a few features later.

PS: Please test it and tell me if it's hard enough or if I have to shorten some spawn times.

Np with spawning.  And try not to touch ZombieVolumes or you may have problems with them spawning.

The only problems are the stairs (with 2 lamps), and definitely behind the bar, definitely behind the entrance desk.   The tables upstairs were fine before.

Your problem is scale.  And maybe differentiating in your head between BSP and staticmeshes.

BSP is intended for basic level design ONLY.  First comes BSP the basic size and layout of your level.

192 is a good minimum width.  208 better, 224 even better.  6 is the best height for stairs and 32 long.  Again min 192 width.  Height usually 192 minimum.
Next come static meshes - they are decorations mainly.  The are curves and odd shapes.  Stuff that, if it was BSP would slow the fastest machine.

And, you need space for pics and deco.

[ForcedPath you placed at stair base was problematic because it was fractionally over the edge on the down end, so zombies couldn't come up, only down.]

[Also your map is small, it doesn't really need zoneportals.  As per UT docs: zoneportal faces should be hidden away - not facing large areas - or a zoneportal will actually cause lag... but in your small map, it's np anyways]

imo you have 2 problems, first: the scale concept which I think is connected with you not realizing the huge difference between BSP and staticmeshes.  Hicks used 128 in Trapper, but it's with straight entrances and straight stairs.

You're doing fine, no biggy!


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2011, 06:57 »
Np with spawning.  And try not to touch ZombieVolumes or you may have problems with them spawning.

I have already changed the spawn time in the versions I have published - it works good.

The only problems are the stairs (with 2 lamps), and definitely behind the bar, definitely behind the entrance desk.   The tables upstairs were fine before.

Didn't notice there was a problem with these stairs, also I thought I had fixed the bar (maybe I should place a few more pathnodes there), and the tables: I don't get what should be wrong :/

Your problem is scale.  And maybe differentiating in your head between BSP and staticmeshes.
Yea it is a problem - I hate the resizing tool.
Static meshes are for complex things - you can also use them for e.g. stairs with complex architecture, ture...
...before I forget: I have converted the bars to static meshes because it was hard to align the texture properly. So if I had to resize or move them I had to retexture them too


imo you have 2 problems, first: the scale concept which I think is connected with you not realizing the huge difference between BSP and staticmeshes.  Hicks used 128 in Trapper, but it's with straight entrances and straight stairs.

  • Well, if I understand all that right I have to remake the whole dance room -> no scale problem anymore.
  • Also make new stairs from scratch and convert them to static meshes later.
  • add some decoration (I already want to do that)
  • remake the bar as BSP

OMFG that's gonna be some work -.-

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2012, 20:51 »
OK, now it's time to release something.
I have paused the project because I have not enough time, but this evening I made a small advance so I can release a new beta version.

@Snipe34: I was pissed about the stairs, but now let's go the rational way: I suggest to keep the stairs as BSP and test the map on your server if it's lagging. On my PC I didn't experience any laggs.
Please upload it to your server, also Hicks.


I have updated my download links in the first post.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 20:54 by N3Cr0 »

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2012, 22:47 »
OK, now it's time to release something.
I have paused the project because I have not enough time, but this evening I made a small advance so I can release a new beta version.

@Snipe34: I was pissed about the stairs, but now let's go the rational way: I suggest to keep the stairs as BSP and test the map on your server if it's lagging. On my PC I didn't experience any laggs.
Please upload it to your server, also Hicks.


I have updated my download links in the first post.

Hey that works well - damn zombies got me first round XD

Look forward to the final!   


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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2012, 06:21 »
When I have some time I will improve my map - I still have some plans.


FFS! It seems like I have released the wrong version of my map xD some things are missing or forgotten to change.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 21:05 by N3Cr0 »

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Re: KF-Disco
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2012, 21:11 »
Not so hard for many players :P Also, some movers, meshes and props would be nice.