New map, Kf-Atlantis  (Read 21508 times)


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New map, Kf-Atlantis
« on: December 30, 2011, 03:35 »
Hello everyone

I finaly did it, I made my second map, a second one. Kf-Atlantis.

Some image of the map.

I am not sure everyone will like that. but well. Pink outside,   green between basket, blue underground and red in the shop.   There is spider, ghost and cat for decoration, I think there can be more decoration, but finaly, I am okay with that.

extra stalkers spawn every wave, like in Kf-Icev2

And if you wonder what those ghost are for, they are for patty, not you, do not let patty approche them. never. 

In fact, thatr map is very easy, I won,t tell you how to win it, since it would be strange.

A secret in the dark corridor, which I do not show you good luck here is the download link  new version shop working, water killing everything
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 14:50 by Audrey-Rafael »


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Re: New map, Kf-Atlantis
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 12:02 »
 :-[ To Audrey-Rafael,

I just downloaded it. Just wondering, why did you call it KF-Atlantis? The people who built it was from Atlantis?

UPDATE: Audrey, the trader doesn't work. But the rest looks good.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 12:39 by poompoom500 »


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Re: New map, Kf-Atlantis
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2011, 14:31 »
I am doing some correction right thanks. thanks for testing it . testing the path to ssr in elite mod....

Correction done on water and shop, and some keys. In order to be able to get the Super shock rifle hiddent in the map, you need to be 13 players.  yeah, all need to get 1 key.

I am changing the link.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 14:48 by Audrey-Rafael »


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Re: New map, Kf-Atlantis
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2011, 15:34 »
 :( To Audrey-Rafael,

That link is your revised map, right? One question - you need to get all the keys to trade with the trader?


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Re: New map, Kf-Atlantis
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2011, 15:40 »
NO, the key are needed to get super shock rifle. you need to be 13 to get all of them, one of each


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Re: New map, Kf-Atlantis
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2011, 19:42 »
Well, I hope you are fine with some criticism...
First of all: interesting conceptual map - 13 keys for the super shock rifle.

But, the rest of it...
First my game crashes on a Linux listen server - dedicated works. Also a skybox glitch caused by the rain - that's ok (already known bug under Linux).
But Somehow I'm missing some walls on the outside (after I have fallen down) and somehow there are parts taken from all maps weirdly put together - OK, it's just conceptual xD

Well, what I really like is the thing with the stalkers...



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Re: New map, Kf-Atlantis
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2011, 20:34 »
stalker is only one scripted trigger, there is another. and Yeah, for me I have no bug, I use Windowz, Not linux, I don,t know what to say for it.

Cats are usefull, they warned you of friend or zombies, alike, and ghost, just don't let the patriarch walk near a ghost, or make him walk near a ghost,  ( 5 fp will be spawn ) ... Yeah, five.

!3 keys for the super shock rifle, mean, you must be 13 players, or you can use fly cheat code


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Re: New map, Kf-Atlantis
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2012, 23:08 »
stalker is only one scripted trigger, there is another. and Yeah, for me I have no bug, I use Windowz, Not linux, I don,t know what to say for it.

Cats are usefull, they warned you of friend or zombies, alike, and ghost, just don't let the patriarch walk near a ghost, or make him walk near a ghost,  ( 5 fp will be spawn ) ... Yeah, five.

!3 keys for the super shock rifle, mean, you must be 13 players, or you can use fly cheat code

Maybe this map is intended for single?

If not you should fix the Linux problem.  Also KF concept is semi-realism, and your map is nothing I've experienced in day-to-day living apart from gravity and rain, except the rain inside.  But pathing worked even in the cluttered file cabinet room, although you should make spaces wider for FPs and patty - like: place a patty and make it fit for him.  Way, way too many pickups.

Although you're getting the idea, nice work:)


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Re: New map, Kf-Atlantis
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2012, 00:27 »
stalker is only one scripted trigger, there is another. and Yeah, for me I have no bug, I use Windowz, Not linux, I don,t know what to say for it.

Cats are usefull, they warned you of friend or zombies, alike, and ghost, just don't let the patriarch walk near a ghost, or make him walk near a ghost,  ( 5 fp will be spawn ) ... Yeah, five.

!3 keys for the super shock rifle, mean, you must be 13 players, or you can use fly cheat code

Maybe this map is intended for single?

If not you should fix the Linux problem.  Also KF concept is semi-realism, and your map is nothing I've experienced in day-to-day living apart from gravity and rain, except the rain inside.  But pathing worked even in the cluttered file cabinet room, although you should make spaces wider for FPs and patty - like: place a patty and make it fit for him.  Way, way too many pickups.

Although you're getting the idea, nice work:)

Yeah, this map is intented for team play,  it is big, but it is also for everyone,
I won't hide it, it is not real, events there happen after the original patriarch dies. so we got.

It is a fun map, it can be very easy, or very hard, just do not attend to do that map alone, since it will be very hard to win, and it is not possible.  This map is not realistic, sorry, I had no such plans, but this map is one, just a personnal challenge, imagine fighting the patriarch and fp trying to get you from behind ... that is intense. Come on, not like things like atlantis even exist, so , a horztine employee just setup a base there, it is obvious they did not took time to build it correctly, and that Yugi's taste are pretty personnal,

And Yeah, For Cenotaph, Yugi is too the creator of the trap. it is just too bad he is not in game, since I just tought about him.