
Would you want to see mutated infected?

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Devon's idea for a good game...  (Read 47568 times)


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Devon's idea for a good game...
« on: February 28, 2012, 04:07 »
Hello! As you guys may know, or are yet to find out, I have ADHD. With ADHD, I come naturally attracted to flashing lights and color things. In other words games. One of my major dreams is to create a fun, realistic zombie-shooter game where your character has to eat, drink, sleep, and survive in the zombie apocalypse!

Right now, I have the clothing done (you'll be able to customize your character using clothing such as vests, pants, boots, and even batting gloves!

Here's what I have done!

Clothing in-game

Shirts, Pants, Footwear, Gloves, Masks, Eyewear, Headwear, Vests, Jackets, and Storages (Backpacks or Satchels)

Most clothing can be modified to have certain perks, ei: Masks can have the gas mask attachment.

Damager Resistance is the amount of DMG the clothing can take away from the original attack damage [infected does 23 damage, your clothing’s damage resistance add-up is 12. Total damage inflicted: 11]
 If damage resistance is higher than damage, you take half the damage that is left over back :(23 – 43)/2 = 10 damage inflicted upon you.

All clothing can be customized, it means ‘can the color be changed?’ or ‘can it have a cool looking decal?’ but only once.

Shirts (All use different colors): button shirt, long sleeve shirt, camouflage tank top, tank op, T-shirt, oversized shirt.
Able to be modified: Yes: Blood Mod, armored.
Damage Resistance: 0.5 - 3

Pants (All different colors): Jeans, ripped knee-jeans, cargo pants*, sweat pants, cargo shorts, sagging jeans, baggy jeans.
Able to be modified: Yes: Armor, Blood Mod.
Damage Resistance: 2 – 4

Footwear (Random colors, most are black or tan): Sneakers, combat boots*, steel-toe boots*, snow boots*, punk boots*, sandals, cleats, slip-ons.
Able to be modified: Yes: Armor*.
Damage Resistance: 1 – 4 (5 – 8*)
*= Different from other footwear.

Gloves (Mainly black, brown, white*): fancy gloves* (5% bonus to barter and charisma), combat gloves (10% less recoil from firearms), anti-septic glove, cotton gloves, fingerless gloves, batting gloves (20% more damage from bats), padded gloves.
Able to be modified: No
Damage Resistance: 3 – 6 (8 – 12*)

Masks (color will be listed beside clothing): metal welding mask (black, gray), welding mask (rainbow of colors), bandana (rainbow of colors), medical mask (white), gasmask (black, brown, gray), scarf (rainbow of colors), hockey mask (common: white, rare: rainbow of colors), air soft mask (black, gray, green, tan), skull mask (White, tan, black, gray).
Able to be modified: Yes: Night Vision, Thermal cam, Camera, gas mask.
Damage Resistance: 9 – 18.

Eyewear (rainbow of colors): ski goggles, swimming goggles, circle welding goggles, rectangle welding goggles, combat goggles, glasses, sunglasses, round sunglasses.
BONUS: protection from blood
Able to be modified: Yes: LED flash light.
Damage Resistance: 0.5 – 2

Headwear (colors listed beside): Construction Helmet*(orange,yellow), military helmet*(camo), riot helmet*(black, gray, blue), biker helmet*(black, gray), foot ball helmet*(rainbow of colors), boonie hat(camo), fedora(black, gray, tan, white) , fez (rainbow), topper (black, gray, tan, white), fittie (camo), baseball cap (rainbow), beanie (rainbow), visor beanie (rainbow), (hoodie only) hood (depending on color of hoodie).
(customization bonus: 360 degree spin)
able to be modified: no
Damage resistance: 0.5 – 2 (3 – 11*)

Vests (color listed beside): Military vest (Camo)(60% more ammo but 20% slower), police vest (blue, black, gray)(30% more ammo, 5% slower), swat vest (blue camo, black)(same as military), Bullet-Proof armor (black)(50% less damage from friendly fire), biker vest (Black, gray), cotton vest (rainbow).
Able to be modified: yes: Armored
Damage resistance: 4.5 – 7

Jackets (rainbow): rain jacket, hoodie, Sleeveless hoodie, biker jacket, button jacket, sweat shirt.
Able to be modified: Yes: Bloodmod, armored
Damage resistance: 3 – 6

The way portable storages work is very simple; it increases your maximum storage, but decreases your speed from all the weight.

There are 4 types of storages: Pocket (90% speed, 1 weapon, 3 mags), Pouch (80%, 1 weapon, 6 mags), Satchel (75% speed, 2 weapon, 10 mags), Backpacks (60% speed, 2 weapons, 15 mags).

Some storages  can be combined to get more storage, but your speed will decrease sharply.

Backpack and pouch (50% speed, 3 weapons, 21 mags), Pouch and Satchel (70% speed, 2 weapons, 16 mags), Backpack and Satchel (45% speed, 3 weapons, 25 mags)

The speed percentage is how fast you are able to move. Magazines and Weapons (small) don’t affect your weight if used in the weapon categories. The remaining percentage is used for space (45% speed = 55% empty space :used for food, drinks, junk etc.)

Backpacks provide have a bonus of providing back protection from any infected trying to get a sneaky bite out of a survivor.

Gloves give attributes to survivors. (batting gloves give the player a 20% bonus damage with bats).

I am open to new ideas for new clothing! Post your ideas/opinions on what you think in the comments :D


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2012, 22:19 »
The clothing mechanism seems pretty interesting, yes  :D

But, have you completed anything else aside from that?
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2012, 00:54 »
Yes, I have the assault rifles named just not the RPM and the range, damage will be random judging by the player's precision and accuracy skills.

I also have the shirts specified (all have different damage resistances, not all just 0.5 - 3. Colors are also specified. Variants and Attributes!!

Once I get to my laptop, I will post the shirts stats onto the forum.


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2012, 00:58 »
Cool!  ;)

I'm eager to see what you've done with the guns and graphics...
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2012, 01:38 »
remember man, I'm only 14, and I have no knowledge for developing game engines, I'm just typing down the information on the game so the future me can make this his first game!


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2012, 01:45 »
Ahh, I see, I seemed to have missed this point XP

Well, if I knew anything about it, I'd help you, but your best bet is to talk with Snipe when he's online...
(Speaking of which, I need to as well :\ )
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2012, 02:07 »
This is the shirt specifics, I've added a couple of rare variants!

Specific clothing.
Rainbow means it can be any color, any pattern.

Button shirt
Damage Resistance: 0.5 – 2
Abilities: None, just makes you look good.
Buy and Sell value: S/$8.90 B/$10.50
Special Variants: Nerdy Shirt (10% bonus to computers and hacking), golfer’s shirt (5% damage bonus with golf clubs).
Colors: Rainbow

Long sleeve shirt
Damage Resistance: 1 – 2.5
Abilities: None, just makes you look good.
Buy and Sell value: S/$9.98 B/$11.35
Special Variants: None
Colors: Rainbow

Tank Top
Damage Resistance: 0.5 – 1
Abilities: (15% more damage with hand-to-hand weapons)
Buy and Sell value: S/ $5.87 B/$6.50
Special Variants: Wife Beater (50% more damage to female infected), Body Guard (30% higher damage resistance)
Colors: White, Black, gray.

Damage Resistance: 1 – 3
Abilities: None, just makes you look good.
Buy and Sell value: S/$4.35 B/ $5.12
Special Variants: None
Colors: rainbow.

Oversized Shirt
Damage Resistance: 2 – 3
Abilities: (25% chance of completely blocking a zombie bite on the arms)
Buy and Sell value: S/ $8.65 B/$9.54
Special Variants: Pre-Apocalypse armor (75% higher damage resistance)
Colors: rainbow.


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #7 on: February 29, 2012, 02:18 »
I have the specifics for the lower clothing, or pants (it will be labeled as pants)

Specific Pants
Damage Resistance: 1 – 1.5
Abilities: None, just to make you look good.
Buy and Sell value: S/$3.50 B/$4.53
Special Variants: None
Colors: Blue, black, tan.

Ripped Jeans
Damage Resistance: 1
Abilities: (5% faster speed)
Buy and Sell value: S/$2.90 B/$3.23
Special Variants: None
Colors: Blue, black, tan

Cargo Pants
Damage Resistance: 1 - 2
Abilities: (10% more storage) (5% slower speed)
Buy and Sell value:  S/$5.84 B/$7.34
Special Variants: Military (4 extra magazines)
Colors: Green, brown, camo, tan, black, blue.

Sweat pants
Damage Resistance: 0.5 – 1.5
Abilities: (15% faster speed)
Buy and Sell value: S/$2.39 B/$3.10
Special Variants: Workout pants (25% faster speed)
Colors: rainbow

Cargo shorts
Damage Resistance: 1 – 1.5
Abilities: (10% more storage)
Buy and Sell value: S/$4.98 B/$5.34
Special Variants: Military  (4 extra magazine)
Colors: Green, brown, camo, tan, black, blue.

Sagging jeans
Damage Resistance: 1 - 3
Abilities: (25% slower speed)
Buy and Sell value: S/$5.09 B/$5.52
Special Variants: Gangta jeans (30% slower speed) (25% more damage from melee weapons)
Colors: Blue, black, tan.

Baggy jeans
Damage Resistance: 1 - 3
Abilities: None, just to make you look good.
Buy and Sell value: S/$3.59 B/$5.39
Special Variants: none
Colors: Blue, black, tan.


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2012, 02:49 »
I have the Assault Rifle names. I still need to put down the rate of fire, the noise, the recoil, and (the best for last) the modifications!

Assault Rifles (AR): Type 56 AK-47, IMI GALIL, XM8, FN-FAL, M4, SCAR-L, G36C, FAMAS, SIG SG 550, G3, M96 XCR, HK 417, AUG, LR-300, and L85A1.


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2012, 19:10 »
Food is an essential in-game, without it, your character wouldn’t be able to survive, same goes for water.

Food and water go by the abbreviations FOD (food) and WTR (water)

You can get food from trade centers or bars. You can also find food in old buildings.

You cannot consume food or drink water while there are infected near by, your character does an in-game animation that involves eating/drinking.

Some consumables have downsides, yet have upsides.

Alcohol: increase in blurred vision, movement is slowed. If your character drinks too much alcohol, he will either stop to throw up, pass out, or both. The good thing about alcohol is that it increases damage in melee attacks.
 The after-effects of taking too much is serious to your character: Vulnerable to loud noises (will stop moving entirely, drop his weapon and grab his ears).

There is smoking in-game. The character will cough after smoking. There is only one animation (The character takes the cig and lights it, then puts it where their mouth should be) If the character smokes too much, he might get lung cancer! Coughing from smoking can attract infected to your area (the radius is about 5 feet). There is only 1 good thing that can come from smoking: it greatly increases your character’s relaxation (relaxation controls your character’s accuracy with range weapons//Relaxation decreases after being attacked up-close and personal from infected)

I honestly don’t need to make a list of what food is in-game.
There are crops and farm animals in-game too. But only barricaded farms have these. Farm animals usually get devoured by infected.


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2012, 21:21 »


« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 21:22 by 「SonaR」 »
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2012, 03:46 »
I'm sorry, but I don't view the infected as being 'dead'. Instead, I think they are just humans with an advanced form of rabies :D


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2012, 15:13 »
The heads up display (HUD) shows the gadgets you will need in-order to survive.

The HUD consists of: The noise meter, Weapon ammo counter, weapon display,
FOD WTR and SLP meters, Armor and Health bars, flash light battery, and mini-map.

The noise meter is used to judge how large the noise radius is. Noise is something that you need to worry about, especially when using a firearm. Once you a fire a weapon that uses ammunition, the noise meter sings right to the red and goes back. Walking and talking also generate noise, just not enough to attract a lot of infected. The noise meter has to be bought from a trader, or made.

Pieces required to construct a noise meter: Microphone, circuit wires, pressure meter, hoses, small compacted air can, and battery.

The noise meter can be sold for $34.99, bought for $52.93.

Firearms will have a noise number, same for walking, running, sprinting, diving, sliding, and jumping.

The ammo counter and weapon display is used to show what gun you are using, what ammo you are using, what type of ammo you are using, and how much ammo is left.

The three bar meters (FOD, WTR, SLP) are essential for your character to make sure they are still alive and kicking the next day.  When the meters get down to less then 50%, you will loose certain skills temporarily.

When FOD (food) reaches <50%: (20% decrease in strength, endurance, and agility)
When WTR (water) reaches <50%: (30% decrease in endurance) (coughing)
When SLP (sleep) reaches <50%: (15% decrease in endurance, 20% decrease in strength)

The armor bar shows  how much damage resistance your clothing can absorb(the armor meter can be extended by armoring your clothing and equipping exterior armor)

The health bar is affected by your endurance. A decrease in endurance decreases your health bar. Health is how much damage your character can take before collapsing. (If multiplayer support;  teammates can heal you to bring you back into the fight, but doing so will prevent your teammates for using weapons).

The sprint bar is also affected by your endurance. A decrease in endurance decreases your total sprint bar. Sprinting doesn’t really need to be described, just remember to use it when necessary.  Running is not sprinting, you can run and shoot, just not sprint and shoot.


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2012, 22:02 »

Know any coders?


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Re: Devon's idea for a good game...
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2012, 17:22 »
I don't know any coders actually