[TUT] Downloading files from redirect  (Read 20945 times)


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[TUT] Downloading files from redirect
« on: April 12, 2012, 03:33 »
Alright, this is fairly easy and rather commonplace, but I'm posting this here to 1) remind people 2) teach people that didn't know.

I bolded and underlined the main points of each step. I will redo this with pictures when I have time, just wanted to get this down first.

This allows you to obtain any and all files from redirect servers (uz2.ut-files.com etc.). This is faster than downloading most maps from the server and it has most of the maps that we play with as well as many, many more. This isn't really useful unless you want to have the files on your pc all the time rather than downloading each time (offline play).


What you want to do first is download the .uz2 file that you want, and save it anywhere, just remember where it is.

Secondly, copy your .uz2 file into your UT2004 install directory. This folder should be the one that has UT2004.exe, UnrealEd.exe, etc in it. The default is 'C:/UT2004/System' if I am correct.

Now open the command prompt. ("win+r" and then type cmd)

You have to set the path in CMD to the path you put your .uz2 file in.  To do so, you would type "path [system directory]". For example, I would have to type "path c:/program files/gog.com/unreal tournament 2004/system[/right] since my UT2004 is installed in "C:/Program Files/GOG.com/Unreal Tournament 2004".

After you do this, type ucc into the prompt. You should see a bit of text pop up.

Now type "ucc decompress [filename]". For an example: ucc decompress KF-Crash25.ut2.uz2"

After doing the above step, your new extracted file is inside the System directory you were in previously. You can close the command prompt and go into your System folder, then cut and paste the extracted file into its proper location. .ut2 -> /Maps, .usx -> /StaticMeshes. KF-____.ut2 -> KFMod20/Maps.

Now you're finished!
« Last Edit: April 12, 2012, 21:23 by [MiA]Raj »
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2012, 10:40 »
 :-[ To Sonar,

Thanks for the tutorial. Much NEEDED! But the thing is, what is the link for the MIASMA SERVER REDIRECT files? We need the KF maps!


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« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2012, 13:15 »
But the thing is, what is the link for the MIASMA SERVER REDIRECT files? We need the KF maps!

Most of the KF maps we use are on this site: uz2.ut-files.com. It's listed in alphabetical order, so just scroll down until you find all the KF's.
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.