Installing UT2004 under Linux  (Read 22092 times)


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Installing UT2004 under Linux
« on: June 09, 2012, 11:20 »
I got a request how to install UT2004 under Linux. So here is the tutorial:

Caution: This tutorial is running into a dead end after updating to patch 3369 under newer Ubuntu Versions. (unfixable version mismatch)
Please proceed with the next post.

1. You can prepare the updates while doing the other stuff:
   Just download them from here: What you need is and
   Torretns are down, but the direct links are still available.
EDIT: I just noticed these installers have some weird bugs. I will search for some other links.

Patches are available here: I recommend the last one:
And the mega pack:

2. Pop in your UT2004 DVD / mount the image.
   Note: If your Image is a MDF file (made with Alcohol120%) you have to mount it manually and define the file system.
   If you don't know how to do this:
Code: [Select]
sudo mkdir /media/ut2004
sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop ut2004.mdf /media/ut2004/

3. Run the linux installer with root rights (or extract all archives from the DVD if you know what you are doing).
    (open a terminal)
Code: [Select]
sudo /media/ut2004/   the default settings during install should be ok. When finished, do NOT start the game as root.

4. The shared library "" might be missing, so we have to get it first.
   For Ubuntu 64 bit users: I have uploaded my old lib:
... to be continued
« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 13:57 by N3Cr0 »



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Re: Installing UT2004 under Linux
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2012, 14:15 »
OK, attempt #2. This time we install the game to your $home directory.

This tutorial is for newer Ubuntu/Linux Mint 64 bit only.

1. You can prepare the updates while doing the other stuff:
Patches are available here: I recommend ut2004-lnxpatch3369-2.tar.bz2:
And the mega pack:

2. Pop in your UT2004 DVD / mount the image.
   Note: If your Image is a MDF file (made with Alcohol120%) you have to mount it manually and define the file system.
   If you don't know how to do this:
Code: [Select]
sudo mkdir /media/ut2004
sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop ut2004.mdf /media/ut2004/

3. Run the linux installer (root rights not required)
    (Open a terminal)
Code: [Select]
/media/ut2004/    change the install path to /home/username/ut2004 (or if you don't like to have a main folder and a config folder: /home/username/.ut2004
    Symbolic links are not required. I recommend installing all files it asks you for.

4. The shared library "" might be missing, so we have to get it first.
   For Ubuntu 64 bit users: I have uploaded my old lib:

5. Extract the content from the update/UT2004-PATCH/ to your ut2004/ directory. Same with the Megapack if you want.

6.1 Delete or move /ut2004/System/ if existent.
6.2 Replace it with the library from your own system. In my case the file is located in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/. It could also be in another /lib/ directory.
       (Symbolic links somehow don't work in this case)
Code: [Select]
cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /home/[i]username[/i]/ut2004/System/
7.You can run /ut2004/System/ut2004-bin-linux-amd64 to start the game. If you want to start it with the file /ut2004/ut2004 (start stript), you can fix this script:
   Open the file with a text editor and replace all entries called "ut2004-bin" with "ut2004-bin-linux-amd64"

8. Sound:
    You may not hear any sound in this game. This could be fixed by installing OSS on your system. If it works for you, you will maybe notice you cannot hear anything else than the game anymore. This happens if your sound chip doesn't support hardware mixing.
    So I recommend another way: using ALSA or Pulse Audio as sound server. This depends on your system configuration.
(Since Pulse Audio is used by default on most newer Ubuntu derivates, you can skip to b) )
    a) If you are using ALSA:
         1. Install ALSA-OSS (aoss).
         2. run the game in a terminal
Code: [Select]
aoss ~/ut2004/ut2004
             or make a start script for that:
Code: [Select]
aoss /usr/local/games/ut2004/ut2004
             *if you have installed Killing Floor mod:
Code: [Select]
aoss /usr/local/games/ut2004/ut2004 --mod=KFMod20

   b) Pulse Audio: It's best to replace the /ut2004/System/ with the from your system.
       This file can be located as /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
9. Killing Floor: it's comfortable to place the KFMod Directory into /home/username/.ut2004 .
    If you cannot see this hidden folder, press [Ctrl]+[H].

NOTE: I just encountered a bug which made it impossible for me to turn around with the mouse - just looking up/down works. I hope you will not have the same error.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 15:42 by N3Cr0 »



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Re: Installing UT2004 under Linux
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2012, 17:50 »
mmm. linux tastes so good. glad to see I'm not the only one playing this game still on linux.


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Re: Installing UT2004 under Linux
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2012, 20:33 »
I will be when I get home, I've been told it runs better on Linux than on Windows.
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: Installing UT2004 under Linux
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2012, 20:46 »
That's just the half truth.
Honestly, KFmod lacks the welder display and hit blur under Linux.
Copy & Paste doesn't work and default sound environment sucks.
The only advantages under Linux are a higher framerate (I guess because it doesn't use the full graphical potential) and much higher stability if you have a broken VRAM bank (as I had on my last GFX card).



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Re: Installing UT2004 under Linux
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2012, 04:07 »
I wish ucc make worked under linux.

Hrmm. Wonder if I could copy the ucc.exe from the cdrom and run it under wine next to my linux install.


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Re: Installing UT2004 under Linux
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2012, 09:09 »
Pure wine installation should run without issues. Also wine can handle the command line as you are used to.
Anyway, I also complained too often there are no Unreal development tools for Linux.
