List of Favourite Games with Different Companies!  (Read 21409 times)


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List of Favourite Games with Different Companies!
« on: July 16, 2012, 17:02 »
Hi all

Here is the List Of My Favorite Games From my Childhood with Other Companies![/size

Electronic Arts-EA
1. NFS Hot Pursuit
2. NFS Hot Pursuit 2
3. NFS Most Wanted
4. NFS Most Wanted 2
5. NFS UnderCover
6. NFS Shift
7. NFS World
8. BattleField 1942
9. BattleField Vietnam
10. BattleField 3
11. Blacks
12. Crysis
13. Crysis 2
14. FiFa 98,02,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12
15. Cricket 07

1. GTA Vice City
2. GTA San Andreas
3. GTA 3
4. GTA 4
5. GTA Vice City Stories
6. GTA Liberty City Stories

1. Project IGI
2. IGI 2
3. Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crises
4. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
5. Operation Flashpoint: Red River

Epic Games
1. Unreal
2. Unreal Tournament
3. Unreal Tournament 2003
4. Unreal Tournament 2004
5. Unreal Tournament 3 (Not Liking Too Much)

Killing Floor

Id Software
1. Doom
2. Doom 2
3. Doom 3
4. Quake
5. Quake 2
6. Quake 3 Arena
7. Quake 4

Some Other Games,but Do Not know COMPANIES!

1. Call Of Duty 1
2. Call Of Duty 2
3. Call Of Duty 3
4. Carmegeddon
5. RoadRash
6. Airborne Troops
7. Muscle Car 1,2,3

THANKYOU For Watching
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 17:05 by Rocky »


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Re: List of Favourite Games with Different Companies!
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2012, 17:28 »
Nice list^^ btw that what you dont know only last dont know who made:
this two made by Infinity Ward (now Respawn Entertainment)
Call Of Duty 1
Call Of Duty 2
this one made by Treyarch
Call Of Duty 3
this was made by Stainless Games
this made by Electronic Arts
this made by PLaylogic (honestly this game is total crap)
Airborne Troops


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Re: List of Favourite Games with Different Companies!
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2012, 19:47 »
Alright, not going into detail about what company did what, but here's my shortcuts folder.

Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: List of Favourite Games with Different Companies!
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2012, 20:32 »
You'll need a Colour Key:
Sony PSP PS2 PS3
XBox, XBox360

My Favs are:

Dawn of War
Dawn of War Winter Assault
Dawn of War Soulstorm
Dawn of War Dark Crusade
Dawn of War 2
Dawn of War 2 Chaos Rising
Dawn of War 2 Retribution

Age of Empire
Age of Empire II
Age of Empire II Conquerors Expansion Pack
Age of Mythology

Spellforce 2 Shadow Wars
Spellforce 2 Faith in Destiny

Gothic 2
Gothic 2 Night of the Raven (quickly translated idk if thats the proper title)

The Elder Schrolls 4: Oblivion
Fallout 3
(Fallout 3 Operation Anchorage
Fallout 3 The Pitt
Fallout 3 Broken Steel
Fallout 3 Point Lookout
Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta)

Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2

Resident Evil Series

Killing Floor Mod

Dante's Inferno

GTA Series (except for the ones on NDS)

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Little Big Planet

Army of Two The 40th Day (only Co-Op)

Killzone 2
Killzone 3

Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia Sands of Time
Prince of Persia Warrior Within
Prince of Persia The Two Thrones
Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands

Far Cry 2

Dead Space
Dead Space 2


Red Faction Series

Time Splitters 2

Legen[......... (wait for it)............]dary

Fable Series

Assassins Creed Series

Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 10-2
Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy 012 Dou-Decim

Tekken 4
Tekken Tag Tournament
Tekken 5 (+Dark Resurrection)
Tekken 6
Soul Calibour 3
Soul Calibour 4

God's Eater Burst

Silent Hill Series

Resistance Series

Ratchet and Clank Series (TOP: Gladiator and 1)

Midnight Club 3

Kingdom Hearts Series

Halo Series (except for the New one that's coming now because HALO is a Triology and not a quadrology)

The Legend of Zelda Series (except for the ones on NDS, those are too far away from the others, i mean c'mon trains and ships???)

The Witcher
The Witcher 2

(but if you know the Books of this Story... the Main Character 'Geralt of Riva' sometimes isn't acting like his morality in the books :()

Worms World Party
Worms 3D

The Lord Of The Rings: War in the North

« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 20:35 by [MiA]crazzy »


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Re: List of Favourite Games with Different Companies!
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2012, 11:07 »
Master System = MS
Mega Drive (Genesis) = MD
Dreamcast = DC

Microsoft Xbox = XB
PC Engine /TurboGrafX = PE
Arcade system = A

Nintendo Entertainment System = NES
Super Nintendo Entertainment System = SNES
Game Boy = GB
Game Boy Advance = GBA
Nintendo 64 = N64
Game Cube = GC
Wii = Wii

Playstation = PSX
Playstation2 = PS2
Playstation Portable = PSP

Sonic Team:
Sonic The Hedgehog 1-3 & Knuckles MD
Sonic The Hedgehog 1, 2 and Chaos editon MS
Sonic Adventure DC
Shadow the Hedgehog PS2

Burnout 4: Revenge XB
Burnout 5 PS2
Burnout Legends PSP
Burnout Paradise PC
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (new edition) PC

Forza Motorsport XB
Halo 2 XB

Bethesda Softworks
The elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind

Splatter House 2 & 3 PE

id Games:
DOOM (all old episodes) XB, PC, SNES
DOOM 64 N64
Quake 1 PSP, PS2, PC, XB, DC
Quake 3 PC, XB
Quake Live PC

Tetris GB, NES
The Legend of Zelda NES
The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past SNES
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap GBA
The Legend of Zelda: The wind Waker GC
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Wii

Resident Evil Gun Survivor PSX
Resident Evil 4 Wii
Killer 7 GC

Grasshopper Manufacture:
No More heroes Wii

Open source games:
Assault Cube 1.0.4 PC
Cube 1 & 2: Sauerbraten PC
Nexuiz (Classic)/Xonotic PC
Torus Trooper Pure PC (only available for Linux)

Call of Duty: Moder Warfare 1-3 PC
Call of Duty: Black OPS PC
(Call of Duty: World At War PC )

Crysis 1 & 2 (Farcry is kinda boring) PC

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series PC, PSX

Rockstar Games:
GTA 1,2,3, Vice City, San Andreas (4 not that much) PC
GTA Liberty City Stories PSP
Manhunt PC
Manhunt 2  PS2

Running With Scissors:
Postal 2 PC

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissoance GBA
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow GBA
Castlevania 64 N64

Epic Games:
Gears Of War PC
Unreal 1&2 PC
Unreal Tournament 99, 2004 (UT3 sucks with only bots on the servers) PC

The House Of The Dead A
The Typing Of The Dead DC
The Streets of Rage MS
The Streets of Rage 3 MD

... ah and of course: Killing Floor mod.

Just updated the list, but I think there are still some importand games missing.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 15:50 by N3Cr0 »



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Re: List of Favourite Games with Different Companies!
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2012, 16:43 »

I Miss you MARIO!


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Re: List of Favourite Games with Different Companies!
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2012, 19:23 »
In my life from childhood, my first game was Hey You Pikachu for the N64. Second one was UT99 :3

@N3Cr0: How was Killer7? I saw some YT vids and trailers and stuff, but I never got the chance to purchase the game myself.
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: List of Favourite Games with Different Companies!
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2012, 21:09 »
In my life from childhood, my first game was Hey You Pikachu for the N64. Second one was UT99 :3

@N3Cr0: How was Killer7? I saw some YT vids and trailers and stuff, but I never got the chance to purchase the game myself.

Killer 7 is awesome! OK, it's a bit hard at the beginning, so you have to get used to it. Also it really sucks that you can only aim with analog stick, because this game is actually a lightgun shooter.
So If you got a PS2, GC or Wii: get it somehow, no matter how ;) Ah, and if you don't have any of these consoles, but a fast PC: Get Dolphin Emu (available for Windows and Linux): It's a GC&Wii emulator.

So, the first game I had...
I don't like to speak about the Atari VCS 2600 my father bought when I was 2 or 3 years old. It really sucked and we hated it. But then he got a Sega Master System, so I grow up with Sonic the Hedgehog^^
Later I got the Megadrive from my Cousing - Sonic The Hedgehog :D

Ah and I just found two of the missing games on my List (Both MegaDrive):
Climax: Landstalker
Treasure: Gunstar Heroes.
Recently I found last of those in a video game shop: 80€. Pretty valuable!
