:areyoukidding: To Medic_Jockgoma9,
So I'm guessing that we will have to download some extra things aside from the map to be able to play it then?
Well...yup. But the other things aren't that much - Goeppinger's 2009Doom3 Monsters.
Sonar told me to let people know that this is his map. It is
SONAR's original map which I revised with his permission.
Anyways, here are the
1. Download and install Goeppinger's DOOMMonsterPackV3 (also known as 2009DoomMonsterPack) -
2. Edit your UT2004.ini file to include the code below:
3. Unzip and extract map to Unreal Tournament 2004/KFMod20 folder. Download of KF-DoomBowl is -
Also I took a few screenshots that you might want to look at for HINTS on how to work the map's objectives.
One of the nine signs will appear at top of caves and by switches when a WAVE in started.

Switch in the cave.

Switch by doorstep (and park your car nearby so you won't get a ticket).

Be sure to press the switch when you go out at all times (because door opens several times).

When the Sawyers (Chainsaw gang) goes for your jugular or limbs, go on GODMODE!

Last man standing (Gun fight at OK Coral). It boiled down to my LAW against the CyberDemon. (Tuwi-yo, wi-yo. Nah, nah, nah - soundtrack from The Good, The Bad, and You).