Important message here!Nyrde's guide for purchasing BM albums: is the cover black and white? is there tits? is there satanistic symbols like pentagram and/or a goat? are the song titles controversial and/or evil?points = 1, don't buy. Most likely posers.points = 2, maybe buy... but don't tell anyone.points = 3, is OK to buy. It's advisable to feel out the "mood" before mentioning it to anyone.points = 4, MUST BUY. Not doing so will result in infinite shame. Also, you must bring it up in all your future conversations and refer to people not having it as wannabes or posers.I know what you are thinking... "Hey Nyrde... what about the music?". You still don't get it, do you? You see it's a classical poser argument that quality of music should be judged by the quality of music. You poser.
Important message here!Nyrde's guide for purchasing BM albums: is the cover black and white?points = 1, don't buy. Most likely posers.