Some Help Maybe?  (Read 24307 times)


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Some Help Maybe?
« on: November 28, 2012, 21:35 »
Alright MiA,

I'll keep this one as short as possible.

I gotta do some work for school and the theme is: Amok.
So I might regret it to ask but...

Well I know you guys keep playing shooter games and such, I do aswell.
I wanna proof the ''Fact'' as wrong that Shooter etc make people aggressiv and so on.

So if you don't mind, would one or two of you maybe give me the chance to do an Interview with you on Skype, Xfire or anything else?

Thanks to those who are trying to help me.
Reach me on Steam, XFire, Skype or via PM.

Thanks again,

« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 21:38 by [MiA]crazzy »


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Re: Some Help Maybe?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2012, 22:00 »
Hmmm, Afghanistan / Africa hasn't much Internet.  Probably they blame smoking for the violence in those places :p

« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 22:02 by Snipe34 »


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Re: Some Help Maybe?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2012, 23:08 »
Being interrupted from playing while adrenaline is in full flow makes me react aggressively...


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Re: Some Help Maybe?
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2012, 06:53 »
I'm sure video game violence has an effect on some people. In the bigger picture, world would probably be a better place if violent movies and video games would be banned for all. Especially the torture kind.

Why not just post your questions here?


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Re: Some Help Maybe?
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2012, 18:44 »
Alright, then the Questions...
Please answer all if you can. I'd really appreciate it.

1) How long (years please) have you been playing Shooter now?
2) How old were you when you played your first Shooter?
3) Do you think that playing Shooters make you aggressive or do you feel like grab a gun and kill everything right now?
4) Which Shooters which you played had the most gore-level in your opinion?
5) Do you think it's okay, that like 5yr olds can easily get games like CoD, Battlefield or CounterStrike?
6) Would you let your kids play Shooters (we talk about an age like <14 or 15)?
7) Do you think it makes sense to ban a game in a country?

Ok then... I leave you with these questions but if you would agree to a voice-interview I really would appreciate it.

'Til then,

« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 10:26 by [MiA]crazzy »


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Re: Some Help Maybe?
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2012, 20:08 »
Alright, then the Questions...
Please answer all if you can. I'd really appreciate it.

1) How long (years please) have you been playing Shooter now?   Since Doom1 yaya!
2) How old were you when you played your first Shooter?               8 /9   
3) Do you think that playing Shooters make you aggressive or do you feel like grab a gun and kill everything right now?
Suggesting games are triggers for madness is obviously suggested by those who haven't studied madness or the human condition now and in history.  And, from what I've seen of video game critics they don't understand or play video games, violent or otherwise.  So Question 3 itself is largely spoken from guesswork and ignorance - similar to the first reactions to violent movies.  Taking that back a little further to stage shows, people enjoyed getting involved and heckling the 'baddy' but 99.9% of people, after the show walked away, having had fun, and return to their usual lives.  Video games are like movies, like stage shows - they are escapism.  There'll always be a tiny percentage who don't know the difference.  And some moronic dick complaining about games / movies / stage shows.
4) Which Shooters which you played had the most gore-level in your opinion?  Back to 3, it's escapism.  If a game is too real, just like a horror movie, many people will avoid it.
5) Do you think it's okay, that like 5yr olds can easily get games like CoD, Battlefield or CounterStrike?  5 year olds mainly prefer kids games.  I did.   Just like adult movies, games like cod bf would've bored me.
6) Would you let your kids play Shooters (we talk about an age like <14 or 15)?  Yep, definitely
7) Do you think it makes sense to indicate a game in a country?  not sure what you mean.
Ok then... I leave you with these questions but if you would agree to a voice-interview I really would appreciate it.

'Til then,



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Re: Some Help Maybe?
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2012, 10:31 »

With indicated i meant banned...
In german there's the word 'indiziert' which means you are allowed to play a game but not to buy it, get it as a gift or something else, which makes no sense if you think about it.
Example: afaik Dead Island was allowed to buy in germany for 2 months. After this the game got banned on Steam in shops and so on. Now it's illegal to buy it (in germany, also import is not allowed), but not to play it.

I just associated 'indizieren' with 'indicate'.


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Re: Some Help Maybe?
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2012, 14:56 »

1) How long (years please) have you been playing Shooter now?
Long, first shooters I played were DOS games
2) How old were you when you played your first Shooter?
No idea, maybe I was in 5th grade or so

3) Do you think that playing Shooters make you aggressive or do you feel like grab a gun and kill everything right now?
Nah, I don't think a game or movie or whatever can make you do this. They might give you a little push or ideas though, if you already have reasons and thoughts for it, caused by real life stuff.

4) Which Shooters which you played had the most gore-level in your opinion?
Call of Duty series maybe, I don't play a great variety of games though. But a game doesn't have to be a "shooter", to be a gory game.
However, I think games like GTA are much worse despite lesser gore level, since you're play the role of a ultimate criminal who can do pretty much anything, in an realistic environment, getting awards for it. In COD series and such you follow a storyline, usually as a chacter fighting the "bad guys". So I think GTA like games can affect people's thinking more than typical shooters.

By the way, I remember plenty of kids from my school who were hooked on GTA and have not accomplished anything to this day. I guess what I mean is that games are more likely to make a young mind addicted than violent.

5) Do you think it's okay, that like 5yr olds can easily get games like CoD, Battlefield or CounterStrike?
5 year olds don't surf the net and download games. Atleast not games like COD.

6) Would you let your kids play Shooters (we talk about an age like <14 or 15)?
Depends on the maturity/intelligence of my child...

7) Do you think it makes sense to ban a game in a country?
Depends on the game. I think it's alright to have a game like Manhunt banned - I don't think people will miss anything if they can't play as a gruesome murderer, no matter how sane they think they are.


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Re: Some Help Maybe?
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2012, 20:33 »
I remember Carmageddon was announced on TV in Australia to be banned, but we got it next day during a network day.  Driving we sometimes make comments about pedestrians 10 points, 20 points XD

I guess video games are evil are after all

But really, this shit should be taken in an historical and international context.  Banning games is as stupid as banning smoking when the sky is brown from toxic fumes making the world melt.  Idiotic as austerity when banks and businesses may as well be burning money.  Supermarkets full of wrappers that are mountains of trash next week.  News daily of blood, bullets and extinction.  Banning games is another madness that will save the world's insanity nothing.

Couldn't say that at school thought police of mind control wouldn't like it, because tomorrow everything will be wonderful.
Give me a game anytime, painted bright red or dark at least binary is reasonably sane and logical.


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Re: Some Help Maybe?
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2012, 18:26 »
Driving we sometimes make comments about pedestrians 10 points, 20 points XD

Blind people are worth 50 points if you can trick them into thinking it's safe to cross :D
But no, I'm sure most people make those types of jokes anyways...

So I guess it's my turn.

1) How long (years please) have you been playing Shooter now? - 7+ years now.

2) How old were you when you played your first Shooter? - 10 years old

3) Do you think that playing Shooters make you aggressive or do you feel like grab a gun and kill everything right now? - Honestly, I do not, as I know what the consequences of my actions would be.

4) Which Shooters which you played had the most gore-level in your opinion? - Probably UT99 for the giblets and such (UT99 was also the first one I played)

5) Do you think it's okay, that like 5yr olds can easily get games like CoD, Battlefield or CounterStrike? - I do believe in there being an age limit for these types of games, as younger children don't know the difference between right and wrong like the older children do.

6) Would you let your kids play Shooters (we talk about an age like <14 or 15)? - Yeah, as long as I can trust them to be mature about it.

7) Do you think it makes sense to ban a game in a country? - Only if it's something that's really, really improper (like that airport level in the MW2 campaign)
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: Some Help Maybe?
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2012, 18:57 »
yeah EA games need banning, well their trackers and bloatware.