Hi everyone, maybe somebody here is interested to watch videos of gameplays, some of them are commented. (unfortunally in french) Well I have a youtube channel with 85 subscribers and ~ 35 000 views on the channel, i'm mostly posting UT2004, Guild Wars, Killing Floor videos etc. Soon i'm about to post more Killing floor and maybe other games like Team Fortress 2. If you are interested feel free to give it a look and subscribe if you like my channel, thanks in advance

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http://www.youtube.com/user/Boom3120Here's an exemple of what my channel can show : a UT2004 video from a TAM tournament organized by [NoT] clan, here's their forum if u want to visit them :
http://not-hq.proboards.com/I planed to record and upload a lot of Killing Floor videos but unfortunally i don't have lot of videos from this game, i'll think about fixing this error

Don't judge me on this video, it's old and i still had a broken computer, my new pieces make me able to record in HD with higher graphics