KF Mod guide for those that've played the retail version of KF.  (Read 25038 times)

Meenah Peixes

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This is a quick guide explaining the most important differences between KF Mod and KF Retail for those that've only played KF Retail.


*KF Mod is a lot harder than the retail game. You will die. Your 1000+ pounds worth of equipment will go down the tubes because a single Crawler humped you to death while you had your Knife out. You will get wiped. Your perfect strategies will become worthless in an instant. However, the people still playing KF mod are very good at the game, so you'll stand a chance. :)

*STICK WITH YOUR TEAM. Playing Rambo will cost your team dearly when you eventually get killed.

*KF Mod has a lot less room for error than the retail game does. Mistakes that wouldn't be a problem in KF Retail's Normal and Hard modes can and will lead to a team wipe in KF mod.

*If you have a decent amount of money, occasionally check how much money your teammates have by hitting Tab. If someone needs money, donate some in between waves. They'll appreciate it.

*Armor is your best inanimate friend in this mod. Pick it up and love it.


*Initially, you are unable to use any perks. You need to do things related to your perk, like welding for Support Specialist and shooting things with the Bullpup for Commando, in order to earn a perk. This doesn’t take a lot of time, so don't worry. You can easily earn a perk in a single game.

*Unlike retail KF, you don't need to level up your perks. Once you got it, you got it.

*The top two perks in the game are Sharpshooter and Support Specialist. Sharpshooter gives insane bonuses to the Lever Action and gives a 50% increase in headshot damage for every weapon, while Support Specialist gives you 10 more inventory blocks, buffs Shotgun and Hunting Shotgun damage and reloading speed, and more doubles the amount of LAW ammo you can carry (from 10 to 24 rockets). Basically, a Sharpshooter with the Lever Action can neutralize problematic enemies like the Siren and Crawler long before they reach everyone else, while the Support can make every wave, from the first to last, a lot more manageable with their powerful weapons and expanded inventory. Get them ASAP.


*Enemy health does not scale to how many people are on the servers. This makes weapons like the LAW useful. :P

*You can't see a Siren's scream radius in the mod. Basically, stay as far away from them as possible. Use weapons like the Lever Action or LAW against them to quickly kill them from far away so they won't be a problem later on. The 9mm also works in a pinch.

*Fleshpounds will not rage until they take a hit that makes them lose about a third or so of their damage.

*Fleshpounds take double damage from explosives. This makes the LAW vital for later waves.

*Crawlers are actually the most dangerous enemy in the mod version. They do a ton of damage per hit, screw up your screen and will constantly attack you. Take them out as soon as you see them.

*Due to a bug, Bloat bile doesn't hurt you if they throw it up. The bile they spew when killed still hurts though, so be careful.

*Scrakes will never rage. This makes them as easy to kill as Clots.

*Yes, we know that Stalkers are buck-naked in the mod.


*By wave 7, make sure that at least one person has a LAW and the Support Specialist perk. Fleshpounds start appearing in Wave 7. They take double damage from explosives, which means that a single LAW rocket can take off more than half of their health. More people with LAWs always helps, so don't be afraid to switch to Support and grab a LAW if someone else already has one.

*Make sure to pick up weapons off the ground. Unlike retail, the weapons that you find on the ground can last you a good six or so waves if you use the right perk for them. Using them can save you a lot of money.

*The Hunting Shotgun works well with every perk.

*The Crossbow sucks and is not worth it. Seriously, don't use it. You will be mocked if you do.


*Rule of thumb for each map is to find a spot that funnels enemies to one path, but also has an escape route. For example, if you're in a map that consists of a tower, start off at a path that forces all of the enemies to attack you from one direction, then work your way up the tower when enemies get too close for comfort.

*There is only one trader in a map, but there's no guide on how to reach her. Follow your teammates; they usually know where the trader is.

*Some maps have a money room. This is a room that has a lot of money pickups stashed in it, but the door to it is welded shut and it'll take a lot of welding to open the door. In maps that have money rooms, such as Boxwithouthope and it's million variants, a teammate will say “leave one alive”. By having a fellow teammate distract the single enemy, they can unweld the door in peace. Don't be a jackass and kill the enemy on purpose, especially if its not following you.


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    • Cowkiller2000
    • razor66100
I think the retail is harder more zombies and no camp spots, and I really hated the leveling perks part.


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    • id8
Retail is not harder than mod. There is some hard maps as Wyre, Bedlam or Waterworks, but most of other maps easy to beat. Yep, in retail kf more zeds, but they're mostly weak. Most dangerous is scrake, because they raging after couple headshots and keep running around until they won't be killed. Also, "Rambo style" is common on big public servers, so don't expect any help for you or teamwork. Well, if you're skilled player, it's pretty easy to survive, have only axe and 1 lvl berserker on "Hell on Earth" difficulty. Except scrakes, ofcourse, because with low level you cant stun them without help of other player.


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    • xS0NARx
    • VeicaNoriceia
Pshaww, the crossbow ain't that bad. Just aim for the head  :P
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.