Heyyy MiA =D
So, I found all my custom downloads and everything on one of my laptops and have been pushing on forward with a server. Question though, I need some help with a redirect server. I've already hosted the server and have tested the connection through tethering on my cell phone, but the download of files is ridiculously slow, but once there is gameplay it's nice and fluent, even on 120 ping =] (Even managed to score someone to play on the server first time I ran it!)
I just need to know,
- Is it possible to host an ftp server on my computer for these files specifically?
- If not, do you know if the unrealadmin.org website allows for KFMod ut2 files? I know they host a free redirect service for UT2004 but I'm not sure if posting KFMod files is possible?
- Again, if not, do you know of any reliable sources that will host the custom files? Gameservers.net is gone so that's not an option =S
And, last but not least, what's it take to join the MiA clan? >=] I've first played on the MiA server on KillingFloor and have always loved playing with you bunch, as well I loved playing on the MiA ONS server several times, the crowd I would get on their would be priceless xD I find it pretty awesome how you guys reached 1st place again in the rankings even after restarting the server =P
Expect me to be on more often

(Will try to get my bro on as well)