:drunk: KF Coders,
Have you played a map and gets left
hanging with the
map not exiting? Then you may need to add a
Get the ACTOR browser from the editor and click
KEYPOINT, and scroll down to AISCRIPT, then to SCRIPTED SEQUENCE, and then to SCRIPTED TRIGGER.
Place the SCRIPTED TRIGGER somewhere close to the exit of the map. Make sure you place a TRIGGER to activate the SCRIPTED TRIGGER soon as you finish all objectives. Then at the SCRIPTED TRIGGER, you
ADD a WAITFOREVENT which will activate your CHANGELEVEL line (this is what makes the map change to another map). You have the WAITFORTIMER line that you can use to delay the activation (map change). And add a DISABLE SCRIPT line at the end (after the CHANGELEVEL line).
At the CHANGELEVEL line, when EXPANDED, it asks for URL. Type your next map here, for example, KF-OldeTower. See picture below: