It's a great pleasure to announce the very first in a series of showmatches, which will promote the next duel event that will take place in 2014.
We will have a fantastic opportunity to see two players that have featured heavily in UT2004 over the years, namely Falcon and Hypno, who have both approved the invitation to join division zero in the main duel tournament. Both have been relatively inactive in the competitive scene from around 2006, but after a number of years in retirement they have decided to pick their weapons up once more and join the battlefield! For laughs, for competition, for prizes – regardless of their reasons, it's a pleasure to see them playing once more.
The match will start around 20:00 CET / 19:00 GMT on 08.12.2013 (Sunday) and the event will be streamed, courtesy by streaming champion Benczek and a motley crew of commentators including: miNo, ShX and skAven at There will also be a UTV server for the event at and will be managed by all-round nice guy mRd.
The entrants will play 5 maps in the following order:
Rankin -
Lea -
Sateca -
Roughinery –
Ironic. All these maps will played, regardless of whether or not one player wins the first 3 maps. Good luck, and have fun you two!
Note: This match is essentially a preview of how the
10 years of UT2004 tournament will look like. At this exact moment in time, I have managed to gather around 15 players who have been inactive competetively for 4 years or more, and they have agreed to play and be inducted into division zero. To make this tournament happen, we reached out to the community a few months ago to help us gather additional funds for the tournament prize-pool amount, and at the moment we are at 73.2% of our goal! Here's the list of the current donators: would like to thank you very much for your aid in our endeavour and hopefully, by hosting this show-match, we will prove to you that we're heading in right direction. We still have a long way to go for our desire prize pool, so please, if you can spare it, could you please donate and help us make the
10 years of UT2004 event the best, brightest and biggest that has ever hosted! To all prospective donators - the donations are payable via PayPal to account:
fifipiw1@gmail.comGood luck to the entrants and hopefully to see you either on stream or UTV or IRC.