Horztal map...  (Read 27607 times)


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Horztal map...
« on: February 20, 2010, 03:47 »
 8)To Snipe34,

Anyway, sure upload Horztal to ModDB, thanks
Okay. Will do. And I'll give you all the credit for the map. It's like TheHive251, but a bit more...I think.

P.S. Here's the download link on ModDB - http://www.moddb.com/games/unreal-tournament-2004/addons/kf-horztal33-beta.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 05:13 by poompoom500 »


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Re: Horztal map...
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2010, 00:36 »
8)To Snipe34,

Anyway, sure upload Horztal to ModDB, thanks
Okay. Will do. And I'll give you all the credit for the map. It's like TheHive251, but a bit more...I think.

P.S. Here's the download link on ModDB - http://www.moddb.com/games/unreal-tournament-2004/addons/kf-horztal33-beta.

Terrific - a group of us tried it the other night but too hard.  Mehdo... I can't remember his name exactly knew where to go what to do and he liked the map :)  He didn't use a vehicle to get to near the house.  That worked but the others were new to KF... so meh - but it's that respawn problem and like I keep saying I don't want it to be like Hive where you can't respawn.  Hamada's tied up with studies until after March, so till then... single player I guess.  I should have made it easier...

Never mind xd


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Re: Horztal map...
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2010, 01:27 »
 8)To Snipe34,

I can't remember his name exactly knew where to go what to do and he liked the map
That must be me. I have Mahloeeh500 as my username on Killing Floor. I just run to the house. But I grab the machine-gun pistol first by the vehicles. Then I haul ars to go to the house, kill the crawlers then get the key from upstairs then go back down to the back room and to the yard! Then go down the lift to the basement and get the weapons! And so on...
NOTE: Getting the key is the hardest for me. After that it's smooth sailing. SUGGESTION: Add MORE MACHINE-GUN PISTOLS by the vehicles - for the rest of the crew!!!
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 01:29 by poompoom500 »


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Re: Horztal map...
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2010, 20:19 »
8)To Snipe34,

I can't remember his name exactly knew where to go what to do and he liked the map
That must be me. I have Mahloeeh500 as my username on Killing Floor. I just run to the house. But I grab the machine-gun pistol first by the vehicles. Then I haul ars to go to the house, kill the crawlers then get the key from upstairs then go back down to the back room and to the yard! Then go down the lift to the basement and get the weapons! And so on...
NOTE: Getting the key is the hardest for me. After that it's smooth sailing. SUGGESTION: Add MORE MACHINE-GUN PISTOLS by the vehicles - for the rest of the crew!!!

So you were Mahlooeeh :)   Horztal is kindof on hold until Hamada fixes the player respawn problem.  I dunno tho if you want to send me details I can make changes - unless you want to make them. 

I'm working Huygens21 props atm, and gameplay - again the player respawn problem.  Anyway it gives me time to perfect.


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Re: Horztal map...
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2010, 01:44 »
 8)To Snipe34,

I dunno tho if you want to send me details I can make changes - unless you want to make them.
Sure. I wouldn't mind making the changes. But I do not have access to the server. I can upload it to my storage site (Filefront/Mediafire) and let you know. BTW (by the way) what is the download link for Huygen? I want to check that map out.

P.S. I just revised your Horztal33 map. I added more machine-gun pistols for the other players (at the spawn point) and double-barreled shotguns and vests - all respawnables. Here's the Filefront link - http://www.filefront.com/15667389/kf_horztal33_revised.zip/.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 02:45 by poompoom500 »


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Re: Horztal map...
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2010, 22:08 »
Good idea for Horztal more machine pistols at the start!
Horztal though, like Huygens isn't really finished.  I have a new monster for Horztal which will frighten the living crap out of most people - the women here run out of the room when I test it in-game :D   But it needs a karma ragdoll because when you kill it the game crashes - or if I remove the ragdoll call, the monster stops still :/

So Huygens isn't finished either and has no monsters, but I'm working on that.  I'm also working on a flying vehicle for Huygens which will figure large in game play and offer KF another interesting slant, I hope!


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Re: Horztal map...
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2010, 22:31 »
Now you got me excited  ;D

Where is that monster from?


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Re: Horztal map...
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2010, 01:44 »
 8)To Snipe34,

Glad to hear you're working on both maps, Horztal and Huygen. I was able to "finish" Horztal. I got the key card from the elevator ledge. Got in the rooms down the bunker basement. When I pulled the levers in the Plasma room, it told me to go to the "other" Plasma room. I can't find it!??? And that other key card at the floor right next to that dead hazmat guy doesn't work. I tried picking it up and nothing.

P.S. Okay I found the "other" room. Thanks. Am going to try again.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 01:04 by poompoom500 »


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Re: Horztal map...
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2010, 03:35 »
Hey Raj!

The monster was hiding in the holes of my mind :o but nah, mainly Australian - land of sunshine and spiders :)  It's an original monster, by me. 
I've reached the point where I pretty much know what I'm doing with anims, only the scripts need tweaking which Hamada can do when he has some time.

Hey Poom!

Nice beta testing, thank you!  I'll need to put in some more info "where tos," so you don't get those irritating - what nexts!?   I hope you like the finale!