8)To Mia Raj,
Wasn't there a more recent version of it out? Like Beta2 or something.
Yes there is. But I played this map because this is the one that I got. And I wanted to finish the map. I had to revised it - like add more respawnable weapons (double-barreled shotgun and bullpup with ammos, and a LAW with ammo on one tower) to help me along. I am going to post a link for anyone who wants to play the map to finish it (SP). Anyways, check out the screenshots below.
Here is where you start. Opening of cave with obstruction (which you need to nade).

This is wave one. Clots and Bloats at first level. (Doors/gates don't open until end of waves.)

This one is around wave 2. The statue of horse on floor. You stay there for 2 waves, then the outer gate opens.

This is wave 4. Circular stairs. Crawlers, scrakes, sirens and stalkers...

P.S. Here's the download link. This map is only for your personal use so you can finish this map -
P.S.S. Got the screenshots for game finish. See below.
Finished the map. Got close to the last hall!

Wave 9 and I was on the way down to the trader and end hall.

A marker hallway 3 markers to the bottom end hall. (FP is on his way towards me. Got the sucka though).

This one hallway marker has rocks blocking the stairs. You need to nade it to get through. When you get to this point, blow up the blockade and go straight to the last hall (for finish).

Played KF-Old-Tower-Prefinal-Revised and finished it. I revised it so I can finish the map. Check out the trader one gate away from the end of map.

Here is the last room/hall of the map. Got to it on wave 9.

Another picture of final room/hall!

Here's the URL for the revised Old Tower map -