Administrator Police  (Read 16348 times)


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Administrator Police
« on: March 15, 2014, 15:07 »
Dear Miasma Community Team,

I regret that my first post since creating this account will be in the vain of a somewhat angry rant.

However, I am responding to something that is fast becoming a recurring pattern of behaviour among some so called admins.

Some admins have taken to kicking and banning players who are neither cheating, nor sabotaging, nor harassing, i.e. they are not ruining the game for others.

It was done to me yesterday in ONS Server (I'm not naming anyone... Noel) as it has recently been happening with disturbing regularity, that I am being kicked from a game for making a comment that an admin either a) misunderstands, or b) doesn't like the sound of for whatever erroneous reason. I don't cheat. I don't harass anyone. I do however enjoy joking around (in the comments section) while playing a game.

I also heard/read a rumour that kicks (and bans) are collated (as bad credit) to count towards permanent bans, therefore making it's abusive (and petty) use nothing less than pure prejudice and discrimination.

This hair-trigger finger-on-the-kick-button is simply unacceptable.

For this very real problem, I graciously offer my proposal of Administrator Police. Simply put, miasma (or server admins) will regulate admins by monitoring their use of kicks and bans, and suspend admin privileges from the admin with above-average (abusive) kicks and bans, while that admin's behaviour is put under reviewed.

I acknowledge that this is a private server and that you may ultimately do as you wish, but I also think that you would appreciate this feedback for what it's worth.

PS: "I hate berserk mod, that's the only reason I come here." Is one of my old jokes that I don't say any more, because some hair-trigger admin might read the first 3 words and kick me out of the game without taking a few seconds to understand the whole sentence as light humour.


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Re: Administrator Police
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2014, 15:29 »

I understand why you acted so, the reason is why you have been kicked, is because you are in very many play mostly say: "admin has given our super weapon". even if it was just a joke from you, understand the other not so.
they are pissed off dan, and believe thee also. then they start to cry, and spawn the full chat.
100% nobody got this "super weapon". it was a great fair play. I would just ask that you let such "humours" remain in the future. it triggers a wave.
have fun and enjoy


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Re: Administrator Police
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2014, 15:34 »
Hi and welcome on forum ,

Public demo server are usually attracting all kind of people and admins have sometime to deal with some really annoying people.

We are all different, and we don't all have the same sense of " humor".

Saying something that you consider as "joking" can be considered as " offensive" or "trolling" by some players or admins.

If you have have any problem on server, i suggest you to send a message  @

« Last Edit: March 15, 2014, 23:12 by Absolute_Madness »


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Re: Administrator Police
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2014, 19:39 »

I for one have never kicked/banned a player unless I have a good reason and solid evidence behind it. Therefore, if I have ever kicked/banned you at any point (which, if your IGN is 'beepbop', I'm very certain I haven't) then you've been doing something either against the rules or degrading the enjoyment of the game for other players. And by 'degrading the enjoyment', I mean creating an unwelcome/unfair playing environment.

Quote from: ifragfreely
an admin either a) misunderstands, or b) doesn't like the sound of

In terms of misunderstanding, the thing is, there's always a difference between what the person writing the comment thinks they're saying, and what the other people will understand it as. It's because of the medium itself in which the message travels; Talking with somebody involves tone, pitch, speed, body language, which are all used to convey the meaning behind the words themselves, whereas a simple line of text on a screen lacks the same emotion/protrayal that speech does even with punctuation or capitalization. Therefore, when somebody says somthing they think is funny, it really may not be when viewed by other people.

In terms of "doesn't like the sound of," that's exactly the point. If we don't like the sound of it, then it's probably because it's something that really shouldn't be said. And I'm talking socially/prejudicially wrong, not "ZOMG amdin iz haxor!!!1!!1." Sure the latter is annoying, but it's not a good reason for a three-day vacation.

Quote from: ifragfreely
kicks (and bans) are collated (as bad credit) to count towards permanent bans

That makes sense. If you have somebody who gets a ban for something against the rules, he comes back after the ban period and immediately starts doing the same thing that he was banned for before, would it not make sense to up the punishment until he understands what he's doing wrong? It's exactly like getting suspended in elementary school: kid does something wrong, kid gets suspended, kid returns to school, kid still shows bad behaviour, kid gets suspended longer, kid returns, kid still shows bad behaviour, kid gets expelled from school. It's pretty straight-forward.

Quote from: ifragfreely
For this very real problem, I graciously offer my proposal of Administrator Police.

Why? We have Raj. He does a good job. I have faith in him to make the right decisions with whatever problems arise.

On another note:

Quote from: ifragfreely
(I'm not naming anyone... Noel)

Who is this "Noel"? Unless you mean me; it couldn't have been me. I just reinstalled Windows 8 a week ago, nothing's installed, and on top of that I haven't run UT2004 since the end of February:

Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: Administrator Police
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2014, 19:52 »
Thanks for all your replies.

Quote from: MiA Njord
We have Raj. He does a good job.
I don't doubt that. I just think that the usage of kicks and bans should also have an element of karma.

Quote from: MiA Njord
Who is this "Noel"? Unless you mean me
It definitely wasn't you.

Quote from: Galaxy
100% nobody got this "super weapon"
There was a player named Noel. He had admin privilage, and he seemed to alter the game briefly to use super weapons, but his score was "1" for the entire game, so I asked if he could help his team mates with some super weapons too: "Noel, give us super weapons, will you". He replied with "Kicked for lie". And I was left thinking WTF? Even if I lied about something, which I didn't, you don't kick people out of the game for something like that. That's just low and petty.


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Re: Administrator Police
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2014, 08:26 »
You dont understand the reason. Your post " Noel gave us super weapons " has triggered a wave.
Another Player cried but defently nobody got super weapons.
As Justice said, nobody has the same Humor. A kick for that is not a big deal.


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Re: Administrator Police
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2014, 13:54 »
The other day someone was accusing me of spawn-killing with super-weapons all match in CTF, which didn't make any sense as I tend to stay midway between the bases and rarely get a deemer - let alone waste it on newly spawned players.

I ignored it for most of the map and then kicked them when they got more abusive. 

I still don't know what they were annoyed about. :)