Oh, hi deathnotedo. I remember you. I also remember some of the maps you made

I'm the one that matured quickly: DarkVolva, xS0NARx. I use Njordr now, because it makes more sense than the former, not as edgy as the latter, and it has a nice ring to it.
Sadly, KF isn't as active as it used to be.
Lots of our players have been "spirited away", and we haven't really had an influx of new souls to feed the Patriarch. I myself have been busy with juggling work and college, and I finally have some time to laze about and do nothing.
It's nice to hear from you. I'd add you on my friends list but my N64 doesn't have WiFi

EDIT: If I recall, I have a UT2004 cdkey straight from GOG. I have the Steam version so I don't need the key anymore. You can torrent UT204, apply the CDKey and you should be good to go

I can PM it, let me know if you're up to it.