Honestly, someone who spends the entire game camping without caring about the game and just annoying other players should be banned, but that's just my opinion..
Thanks for that clarification, Piglet, but back in the day I suspect that I was probably more of a dick than most and did myself no favours by shouting my mouth off: these days I cannot be fashed making derogatory comments about others, so have fun everybody with the odd exception
It wouldn't be fair to single Plassy out for the reason it was removed. As with any change, the aim was to make things better for the majority of people. If there is a real problem on the server and there's not an admin around (of if the admin around is having a bad day and being a dick), you can always ping me on Discord and I might be able to pop in and see what's happening
Not the only one who thinks it; check out the experts on the subject on well-informed sites. Oh, btw, it does not explain why I used to go for Scofieldd and other low ping pot-shotters.
I don't consider Plassy a bad apple. He actually tries, and plays the game. The kickvote thing I always took as a joke. It couldn't be much else given that nobody ever joined him in kickvoting.