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Hi Folks.

I'm looking for workable suggestions on when the Freon code should decide to balance teams.

The current code checks the average team PPR at the end of each round, and where the averages differ by more than a configured amount, e.g. 0.7 ppr then it triggers a balance event. The balance event picks the two players whose PPRs bring the average PPR difference closest to zero - or does nothing if it can't get closer than the teams already are.

The current code doesn't really work well in two ways related to player count:

1. At low player counts the average PPRs of the teams swing far more rapidly than large player counts - so at low player count games people are being frequently swapped. It's annoying.

2. At high player counts having a 0.69 ppr difference on average is a big difference in the teams scoring ability and it won't even trigger a change.

3. Now we have "no bots" there are times when the number of players in each team are different - which messes up average PPR-based triggering. For example, where one team has players of 2.5 ppr and 3.5 ppr against another team of 1 player with 6ppr then the team with 2 players has an average of 3ppr, whilst the team of 1 has an average of 6ppr. That difference of 3ppr on average will meet the "I need to balance" trigger. In this case it won't find a better match....I think I need to work through what can happen when there are bigger un-even sized teams. I think there's an issue here.

I know people don't like getting swapped on the last round. I might get round to looking at a fix for that at some point, but for now I'm interested in ascertaining whether there is a better strategy for general triggering of the need to balance.

Any thoughts on how to fix problems 1 & 2?
New members / Re: Rage
« Last post by Piglet on April 10, 2024, 11:28 »
No problem!

When on any of the MiA servers you don't need to (are probably best not to) change netspeed unless you have a very very low bandwidth connection. On the servers here now they default you to a netspeed of 50,000 - which is really helpful to both client and server in high-spam situations.

The reason for this is that on high player count games there is a lot of activity. That activity needs to be known by the game client (i.e. your computer).

The netspeed is the client/server communication bandwidth. Where the netspeed is less than needed by the server to give your client the information it needs this causes problems to both you and the game server:

1. The server has to spend precious time deciding what is most important to you that fits within the bandwidth available. This is processor intensive and can result in the server CPU usage increasing massively.

2. The act of culling by the server means that your computer doesn't know everything that is going on that could impact you. Your game on your computer donesn't get all the relevant information and so can't show you on the screen everything you need to know. It doesn't know about things that may matter. You may start getting hit by rockets the server know about and is tracking that wasn't able to fit into the message to your computer. You may lose visibility of the rotation of things and start getting hit by things you can't see or aren't pointing on your screen where the server knows they are pointing.

So - where possible, on the servers here, don't change the netspeed. It's already going to be about right.

New members / Re: Rage
« Last post by Grim_Fandango on April 09, 2024, 21:17 »
There's also some very useful info here:,1485.msg17632.html#msg17632
Apologies @Piglet, I was a bit of an ass  O:-)

And here:

I'd recommend saving a pristine copy of your install folder to a safe place in case it all goes wrong.  A copy and paste of the folder has saved my sanity more than once :)
I also keep a backup copy of a good working System folder, and a separate copy of User.ini, UT2004.ini, and ut2004-win64.ini file in case a change stops the game from running.  Again, speaking from experience.
New members / Re: Rage
« Last post by Rage on April 09, 2024, 20:39 »
Cheers grim - will try in a bit
New members / Re: Rage
« Last post by Grim_Fandango on April 09, 2024, 20:22 »
You might fare better using OpenGL.
This, and other stuf here:

I've tried it with both 32 & 64 bit versions of UT2004 and find it performs better than D3D.
I also find the 64 bit version of Ut2004 runs better than 32, but it loses the text to voice chat function.
New members / Re: Rage
« Last post by Rage on April 09, 2024, 19:22 »
I found I had a portable disk drive lying around so installed from that i just need a hand setting up for an RTX.  tried last night with DX9 and some other bits buts its very clunky not smooth at all.  any help would be appreciated.
Unreal Tournament 2004 / A few small changes for Freon
« Last post by Piglet on April 09, 2024, 13:59 »
I just made a few small changes to Freon:

1. Fixed a bug where the scoreboard wasn't showing the starting or actively used PPR for new players where they had no stats record. You can now identify them by having the same starting PPR as a bot, rather than showing no PPR

2. Added a nasty hack on F1 scoreboard to show the average PPR difference (starting and currently used) between the teams.

3. Where team numbers are not the same then PPR totals and PPR totals difference is shown rather than PPR average.

If you have 3 players on the server, with PPR 3, 3, and 6 then it will show the team totals as an even 6 each rather than the old average of "3" (for the team with PPR 3 and 3) and "6" (the lone team player with PPR 6) respectively.

I'm not very happy with the code as it's not very graceful. The red and blue team numbers are calculated and displayed independently so having a section combining aspects of the two isn't going to be a graceful solution...
Unreal Tournament 2004 / UT2004 VR Edition
« Last post by Grim_Fandango on April 09, 2024, 13:54 »
How great would this be?

Does anyone in here have the particular set of skills to make it so?
Check out The Longest Yard at:  01:39

New members / Re: Rage
« Last post by Piglet on April 09, 2024, 13:39 »
Can you copy over the directories from your old PC? That's what I've done each time I've upgraded, then updated the registry with the key (copied from old registry or from the install disks I still have).

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