Quote from: Miauz55555 on March 24, 2023, 15:56You need 11 single bio for a full 100% from 0 thaw .. like I worte there: https://miasma.rocks/index.php/topic,1869.msg24267.html#msg24267You deliberately being a twat on the server doing that is not a good reason for changing the functionality. it is, however, a pretty compeling reason to kick you....as I did.
You need 11 single bio for a full 100% from 0 thaw .. like I worte there: https://miasma.rocks/index.php/topic,1869.msg24267.html#msg24267
Jeez. Maybe you shouldn't fix something that isn't broken? And maybe for example create a vote on these parameters? Apparently just leaving everything "as it be" is not an option. Why not just divide the servers into kindergarten and professionals-tryharders. Something alike - u shall not pass if ur ppr lower than 10! 8! above! lower! Add some mightiest bots there for creating a crowd if there not many ppl online. And then we will see which server have more online and on which one situation is healthier and friendlier. Not everyone here wants to be a grand achiever or instantly do it in a competition mode. Jeez, dudes. With these settings U literally pull out, throwing overboard specifically me, and some other people, who just can't reach your skill. My complaints on this freon is just only about "suicidal label", which you can get with hitting ur frozen teammate. That bug is really awful. Everything else - just about human behavior and "achiever pro" issues.
This sums up very well my view on the current changes and the overall ambiance on the server ; I feel the new settings are causing more problems than it solves : -Modifying the PPR calculation and basing it on fewer games creates aberrant values and unbalanced teams ; this happened a few times with good players having abnormally low ppr (yesterday laka went from 4.5 ppr to 15 which resulted in a 0-10 game). And there was also cases of players having inflated ppr. It also punishes consistency because you'll systematically end up in a team with lower pprs
-My overall impression on balance is that the current settings creates teams with either very high or low invididual scores, before it ends up pairing the two top-scoring players from opposite team together.
-Respawning with lesser HP is surreptitiously nerfing the players with aggressive playstyle (but I guess that's my problem).
-I havent noticed any difference regarding the biocamping.-About the ambiance on the serv : some people seem to struggle to accept the fact that not everyone wants to play competitively, it is after all a FFA server and one should try not force his views of the game onto others but rather accept the variety of motives which make ppl play this game (ie just having fun). Instead, I'm feeling that the difficulty to deal with the frustration of loosing often results in an unload of anger onto a few space goats, which is saddening to witness.My impression is that these changes of settings are a result of blaming and subsequently trying to control external factors (other players or settings) which are wrongly judged as the reason of the problem.
There was no change in actual PPR calculation, the stats were reset they are re-collected from 0 after the changes.Some of the higher skilled players would reset their stats frequently and create the same issue anyway.This happens because people join without stats, they get a temporary 4.5, when they have no match history, same issue as above.
Challenge mode would work better for 2v2 up to 5v5, where there's a high skilled player but not enough players to counterbalance.
Quote from: Dawkins on March 25, 2023, 11:36-My overall impression on balance is that the current settings creates teams with either very high or low invididual scores, before it ends up pairing the two top-scoring players from opposite team together. This happens because people join without stats, they get a temporary 4.5, when they have no match history, same issue as above.
Regarding the other point, tell me how these points below are wrongly judged as a reason of a problem1. Spending 90% of your time alive ingame chatting (getting killed while typing every round) -> moved to spec -> rejoin -> continue chat -> Not playing the game2. Thawing enemies while the round is still not over and essentially playing for the enemy team-> Playing the game but intentionally against your team3. Have balanced teams, then going spec, waiting for the balancer then joining a different team-> Playing the game, but intentionally against a balanced game4. Joining from spec in order to kill the bot which is the last alive and thawing, then spending your time AFK -> back to point 1-> Not playing the game, intentionally abusing the way the game works.5. Having a history of being toxic to multiple players, then trying to twist everything into "it's just a game" and "just a joke"-> Playing the game, but verbally abusing the players.6. Join the game with your stats intentionally reset,you gain an unfair advantage, which snowballs into a team advantage.-> Playing the game, abusing the way it works, "didn't know" is not an excuse for high-skilled playersThe actual problem is giving a second (or 100th) chance, to the 6 categories above.
The actual problem is giving a second (or 100th) chance, to the 6 categories above
5. Having a history of being toxic to multiple players, then trying to twist everything into "it's just a game" and "just a joke"-> Playing the game, but verbally abusing the players.
If I'm being an ass, just tell me! I do get annoyed when on a team of players that seem to be playing onlyTAM
If you are planning on changes / improvements to PIG3SPN then my proposed improvement is that admins CANNOT add slots and _HAVE TO_ wait in the spec like everyone else.
Various code tidies and accessed-none fixes bloating logs - e.g. don't try and count accuracy for bots on stats that don't exist...
ThawingBestRezTime = 100000 for(C = Level.ControllerList; C != None; C = C.NextController) { if(Misc_Player(C)!=None){ if(Misc_Player(C).LastRezTime<BestRezTime) MyControllerList.Length = 0; BestRezTime = Misc_Player(C).LastRezTime; } i = MyControllerList.Length; MyControllerList.Length = i+1; MyControllerList[i] = C; } return MyControllerList[Rand(MyControllerList.Length)];