
Refresh History
  • hellfire: or shove it :-p
    Today at 13:14
  • Piglet: and eat it
    Yesterday at 21:41
  • Whitestorm: Then buy it
    Yesterday at 21:22
  • Plakatowy: I want burrito
    Yesterday at 09:34
  • france 1998: yo
    October 13, 2024, 21:17
  • RottenCowCorpse: Neglected the Holy Ghost - you're all in Hell <grin>
    October 10, 2024, 16:50
  • hellfire: Hell accepts such worship with pleasure :-P
    October 10, 2024, 11:19
  • RottenCowCorpse: With the Farther (Piglet) and Son (Sup) he will be worshipped and glorified.
    October 09, 2024, 17:59
  • Right: Maybe he will return
    October 06, 2024, 11:09
  • sup: lol this guy is a legend
    October 03, 2024, 15:34
  • Right: Today I got a message form the maker of the TDI City map, check discord and show the man some love: subscribe to his channel or give him a message. who knows he might join the UT2004 community again :D
    October 03, 2024, 11:05
  • Stealer: Hehe, I went through a period of drinking cheap white wine back a decade or two ago. Generally I've found having a few days break from alcohol each week gives ya liver some time to recover :) Wish I knew this in my 20s, although I doubt I'd have listened.
    September 30, 2024, 21:19
  • hellfire: guys give the wine guy hope :D I am planning to cut down massively soon ;) Though it is a bottle of wine over the weekend at max :D
    September 27, 2024, 19:51
  • Stealer: Hehe, I wonder that as well, not even sure I should logically be still alive after all the cider I consumed and crazy stuff I've done in my younger years!
    September 18, 2024, 23:08
  • Grim_Fandango: I can relate to that.  I was on night-shift for many a year and thought nothing of cracking open a bottle of whisky before 8 am.  It's a wonder that my liver and I have managed to survive this long :)
    September 18, 2024, 20:11

* Forum Activity

Freon. PPR. Need an expert in stats! by Stealer
[Today at 21:19]

Flenser's October trip: Nice and Vienna! by Grim_Fandango
[October 11, 2024, 20:00]

Lags & shot delay in server by vkn
[October 05, 2024, 21:11]

Petition to ban/suspend players who spec/join right after balancer by Yes
[September 29, 2024, 08:05]

vCTF and Freon Stats used by the balancers by Piglet
[September 27, 2024, 13:03]

YouTube Overview Playlist VCTF MIASMA players Stats by Right
[September 23, 2024, 20:59]

Music you listening right now by Grim_Fandango
[September 21, 2024, 21:24]

Here comes the Fudge. by Plakatowy
[September 21, 2024, 07:51]

Grim on tour. by Grim_Fandango
[September 17, 2024, 12:46]

Discord - autokick to red/blue voicechannel by Ottiishiia
[September 15, 2024, 17:30]

What do you do? by Piglet
[August 31, 2024, 14:40]

How to kill a dying game in 2 steps by Stealer
[August 27, 2024, 22:50]

Wondering why you can't play on the server? Please read. by Piglet
[August 17, 2024, 11:58]

Instant Respawn - Invulnerable by Piglet
[August 17, 2024, 11:55]

Unplayable by Grim_Fandango
[August 07, 2024, 20:22]

Have I been muted? by Army
[August 06, 2024, 16:02]

Donations public? by Piglet
[August 03, 2024, 15:24]


* MiA Demo Only Server

* RezQ iCTF / Freon 2

* Freon 3 / TAM / iCTF Server