That was the best Complain Text i read in my life, or how you would say " truth "

i will not write something big cause i dont make a deal about your words, but something i can say too:
1: I never said i do a brake from my OWN ! i said: " i make a break from Admin "
i dont lost my Admin cause of lying, cheating or stealing ! - real reason is PIC
and something that has to do btw me and Raj.

( Sry Raj if i posted this Privat Text, but its the simplest )
2: I never steal a key or cheated with them !
A player called Menace from the New server helped a player there with Teamviewer ( you called him yellow player in your text )
Menace made a screenshot from his Key and sended to me with the Words: " i screenshooted cause i dont like him, and if ya dont like him too, ya can use his Key blablbal " .. so he sended me.
after some time i had some disuss with the Main guy from New and he kicked me for 1 match form the Server, i tried to fixx this and thaught. " ha i have the Key from Yellow Player and can try to join the Server. I did it, and talked there with them.
Me and Menace are good friends so we used Whats app to talk about some, and yes he can speak German, but he is from Netherlands.
here is the proof - made a screenshot: ( I heard he left the New Clan and i wrote him )

i can translate for you:
me: " what happen ? why ya are out from the clan ? "
menace: " keiko asked me why gal played with the guid from Singo, he wanted to ban you and some more.. I told him, i gave him the Key from Singo. So he kicked me out from the clan "
so i never steal / cheat or something and I do not know how many people meance has the key yet given ! __________________________________________________________
well, if ya just listen to random people its easy to complain.
thanks anyway that you have put me into the limelight again. Do not rack your head about things where you have no ideaand I will not write back to the other. you've a hundred times repeated.. its so ridiculous
see ya mate

PS: who is banned from Servers like Fairgamers ? you ? ahh yea.. you crashed it in the past many times. and anyone care ?
- do you know the saying: " who sits in the glass house should not throw with stones " cheers mate