Putting the truth out there.....  (Read 14261 times)


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Putting the truth out there.....
« on: March 03, 2016, 05:23 »
To Whom It May Concern,

The Truth is, Galaxy did not take a break on his own. It was due to his lying, stealing, and Cheating , and being banned from servers that he did this ... You brought disgrace to MiA.
You stole a cd-key from a fellow member, someone you considered your friend and aimbotted with it. Wasnt bad enough that
you aimbotted, but you actually stole this 'friends' cd-key in turn getting him ban.

Man if that isnt the sign of an awesome server admin
then I Dont know what is. You were the reason Raj had to remove all the 'little-extra' admin commands on the server because you were
abusing them, Why you didnt lose your admin back then still baffles me.

I just think the general population on Mia is entitled to know
the truth, and once again if you do get your admin back I really all of this has humbled you Alex and you will treat others the way you
wish to be treated.

As an active player on Miasma for the last few years, Ive like to bring the following situation to the attention of
the players of the MiA Onslaught Server.

Its no surprise UT, The game itself is losing players and that is a shame, but that is to be expected considering the game
is over 15 years old. I will always Cherish the time played with you all on the servers... Especially RezQ and Miasma.

The reason I'm posting this thread is not to throw anyone under the bus and if it comes off that way then I don't know what to say.
The reason I have decided to post this thread is because of the well being of the Miasma Server. Miasma is ranked the #1 MOST
POPULAR UT SERVER OUT THERE, That is not my opinion I'm strictly going by the numbers gametracker provides. I think its safe
to say Miasma and also Rezq which happens to be the number #1 Instagib Server is a big majority of why the game still has a
some what active community to it, I Don't think many would disagree and if you do disagree, Go a head and update your server list
and see how many servers are EMPTY 24/7.

The thing that has always bothered me and Ive never been shy about telling him I did not think he treated "regular / Non-Admins", on Miasma kindly or even fairly. The MiA ban log speaks for itself, Not to mention the countless email from players asking why they were ban
when 99.9% of them did absolutely nothing wrong. For the most part if there was a problem I would try to mediate it and fix the situation.

I know the majority of the players who play on Miasma feel this way, Not to mention a few Admins (who will go un-named out of respect for

Ive brought this to Raj`s attention more then one time, Raj is a good guy with a pretty busy life so when I brought this to his attention
it wasn't because I was a nark but I felt, As the owner of the server and as the man who pays the monthly fees on the server he should at least know what is happening on his own server.

Galaxy, being an admin on a server is a privilege... You are there to help keep the peace and make sure no cheating is going on, but to boss
and intimidate players just for the sake of it, Its just not right. As I said before I have absolutely nothing to gain by posting this thread
the only thing that I hope happens is if Galaxy does get his admin back is that, he indeed treats players with the respect he so desperately
craves himself.

Galaxy You have done quite afew sneaky things that I wont even bring up on here. However I do feel the players should know why you finally
lost your admin on MiA... It wasnt the dozen or so complaints about you every single month that came in like clock work.

The Truth is, Galaxy did not take a break on his own. It was due to his lying, stealing, and Cheating... You brought disgrace to MiA.
You stole a cd-key from a fellow member, someone you considered your friend and aimbotted with it. Wasn't bad enough that
you aimbotted, but you actually stole this 'friends' cd-key in turn getting him ban for stealing it and cheating with it  . Man if that isnt the sign of an awesome server admin then I Don't know what is!

You were the reason Raj had to remove all the 'little-extra' admin commands on the server because you were
abusing them, Why you didn't lose your admin back then still baffles me. I just think the general population on Mia is entitled to know
the truth, and once again if you do get your admin back I really all of this has humbled you Alex and you will treat others the way you
wish to be treated.

If Raj is considering giving you your admin back that's his decision but I really think he should talk to some of current admins, Not to mention the regulars on the server and see what they have to say.

BTW Sir Dave you will make a great admin man


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Re: Putting the truth out there.....
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2016, 14:53 »
That was the best Complain Text i read in my life, or how you would say " truth " :D

i will not write something big cause i dont make a deal about your words, but something i can say too:

1: I never said i do a brake from my OWN ! i said: " i make a break from Admin "
i dont lost my Admin cause of lying, cheating or stealing ! - real reason is PIC
and something that has to do btw me and Raj.

( Sry Raj if i posted this Privat Text, but its the simplest )


2: I never steal a key or cheated with them !
A player called Menace from the New server helped a player there with Teamviewer ( you called him yellow player in your text )
Menace made a screenshot from his Key and sended to me with the Words: " i screenshooted cause i dont like him, and if ya dont like him too, ya can use his Key blablbal " .. so he sended me.

after some time i had some disuss with the Main guy from New and he kicked me for 1 match form the Server, i tried to fixx this and thaught. " ha i have the Key from Yellow Player and can try to join the Server. I did it, and talked there with them.

Me and Menace are good friends so we used Whats app to talk about some, and yes he can speak German, but he is from Netherlands.
here is the proof - made a screenshot: ( I heard he left the New Clan and i wrote him )

i can translate for you:

me: " what happen ? why ya are out from the clan ? "
menace: " keiko asked me why gal played with the guid from Singo, he wanted to ban you and some more.. I told him, i gave him the Key from Singo. So he kicked me out from the clan  "

so i never steal / cheat or something and I do not know how many people meance has the key yet given !

well, if ya just listen to random people its easy to complain.

thanks anyway that you have put me into the limelight again. Do not rack your head about things where you have no idea

and I will not write back to the other. you've a hundred times repeated.. its so ridiculous  :))

see ya mate  8)

PS: who is banned from Servers like Fairgamers ? you ? ahh yea.. you crashed it in the past many times. and anyone care ?
- do you know the saying: " who sits in the glass house should not throw with stones " cheers mate

« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 15:40 by galaxy »


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Re: Putting the truth out there.....
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2016, 20:29 »
So you didn't steal the key, but used a key stolen by someone else.

Both of you are not admins anymore, but I believe that people can change and in giving second chances, that's what I told Galaxy. Of course that depends and probably isn't ever happening if the accusations of cheats usage are true, but I don't have a concrete proof of that yet.

I lock this topic for now, you know where to find me if you have any complaints.