Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial  (Read 125315 times)


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2010, 00:29 »
It's just like that ,it worked properly the frst days ,i didn't need to open a map for kfeditmode but i renember i still didn't had the zombies .

I saw the kf batch file for editor and it's like you say'd (i added no gamma too beacause i hate that lighting ) i didn't changed anything from folders ,i tried reinstalling kf too but i still don't see the monsters and IT STILL opens the unreal ed ,eerything looks right there.

Any idea what it's the problem here?

So you have the standard setup?  Then I don't know... sorry xd


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2010, 04:15 »
 :-[ To Jeetkunedo,

I think I know what your problem is. You need to reconfigure your KFMod20.ini file to include KFMod subfolders like Maps, StaticMeshes, System, etc... You need to open your KFMod20 directory and go to "System" folder. Then open the KFMod20.ini file with your notepad. Then scroll down to the "[Core.System]" part and add these lines below the line that says "CacheRecordPath=../System/*.ucl":


These lines will let you use Unreal Editor on Killing Floor mod directly.


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2010, 03:30 »
Nice poom, thanks for solving that problem


Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2010, 16:29 »
someone could tell me how to make a light that can be toggled?


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2010, 19:46 »
 :( To HeMan,

someone could tell me how to make a light that can be toggled?
What you want is a trigger light. You get it from "Actor Class Browser" (it looks like the chess pawn). Then go to "Light". Then click on "TriggerLight". You'll need a trigger to turn the light on or off. A perfect example of this is the KF map, TheHive. You can do a simple light with a single light and a single trigger to turn the light on.

Type in the name of the trigger you want to turn on at the "Trigger" Event under "Events" line. The name you typed under "Trigger" Event must be the same as the name you type at the "TriggerLight" Tag under the "Events" line. And that should do it.


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2011, 15:44 »
Just a very simple and (stupid question)

I just don,t get the zombie spawn point, don,t even see them on my editor, where are they? how to use them. ?, want to know

Where do i find myGSOspawner, I believe it was used in a map called testing labotary,

I would like to spawn zombie to trigger, but any way to decide the number of spawn zombie.

let's say I want to spawn 27 clots, 37 stalkers, 53 crawlers, 20 gorefeast, 16 bloats,13 scrakes, 20 sirens, 13 fleshpound and 2 patriachs at the same time..

Or let's say I just want to spawn one zombie, like in the don't fall down. Hoverer, I can't seem to edit a single thing of the don't fall down map, can,t find a single actor.


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2011, 16:23 »
The Don't fall down map is pretty bugged in the editor, dunno why.

Zed spawn points have an own volume. There are no points, you must place ZombieVolumes.


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2011, 23:34 »
 >:( To Vanico,

Hoverer, I can't seem to edit a single thing of the don't fall down map, can,t find a single actor.
Simple. Just look at the left side bar and go down to the square that has an EYE with the X on it, and click it. It should display the actors. Then click on the top bar of the view box (right click) and scroll to the "Actors" part, and scroll down to the "Full Actor View", and that should make the actors appear!

I would like to spawn zombie to trigger, but any way to decide the number of spawn zombie.
This one will take a longer time to explain.

First, you have to click on the actors browser (chess pawn) at the top bar. Then scroll down to "Triggers" and then to "Trigger". Go to the location that you want your zombies to spawn and right click on it. And click on "Add Trigger Here". That should place your trigger there.

Then you need scriptted trigger to spawn your zombie. Again, go to the actors browser (chess pawn) and scroll down to "Keypoint" and to "Scriptted Trigger". Find your location next to the "Trigger" and place your "Scriptted Trigger" there.

Place your trigger to a location where you want the player to "ACTIVATE" the scriptted trigger. And place your scriptted trigger to where you want to zombies to spawn.

You have to name your Trigger's "Events", "Event" a name that you'll use for the Scriptted Trigger.

You now need to edit your Scriptted Trigger's properties. Click on the "Scriptted Trigger" and click on it's properties browser at top bar. Then go to "AIScript", then "Actions". Click "Add" and scroll down to "Action_WAITFOREVENT". Click "New". Then type in the Trigger "Event" name.
Click "Add" again and scroll to "ACTION_SpawnActor" and scroll down to "ZombieClot" or which ever one you want. And you have your zombie!

To make your zombie spawn continously, just add "Action_WAITFORTIMER" and "GOTOAction" lines to the Scriptted Trigger.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 00:49 by poompoom500 »


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2011, 20:15 »
 :-[ To MiA NL4PL,

Well stil try make my map :/ but need help with door how can do wall where can placed them try somehow solve this problem
How to do the doors? First and foremost, you have get the "Cube" browser. Click on the box on the left side bar. It looks like its name, a cube. Then place it where you want your door to be.

Then open the "staticmeshes" browser on the top bar. It's the one that looks like an arch. Open it to "KillingFloorStatics" and look for the door.

Open your "staticmeshes" to "door2".

The door mover will automatically appear in the middle of "cube" browser.

Get the mover "properties" by clicking the "properties" button (looks like a chess pawn and card). Then click on "KeyNum".

Right click on the door mover. Scroll down to "Mover". Then to "Key0(Base)". SAVE.

Then go to "properties", under "KeyNum" and change it to "1". Turn your door mover to the open position by clicking on it and holding CTRL key at the same time. RIGHT click the door mover and scroll to "Mover" and to "Key1". Then SAVE.

IMPORTANT: Change the "KeyNum" back to "0" when you're done with all.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 20:54 by poompoom500 »


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2011, 19:55 »
 :( To MiA NL4PL,

Ok,after this all operations door should work or must do something else?Ask becouse dont have time to do it:/
It will as soon as you do one more thing. You have to place a "UseTrigger" to open the door.

Click on the "Actor" browser, and scroll down to "UseTrigger". Click it and close.

Right click on the floor by the door mover and scroll down to "Add UseTrigger Here". Click. And the "UseTrigger" will appear.

Then after you get the "UseTrigger", move it to the middle of the door by pressing CTRL+left mouse.

Now open the door's properties by click on the button up top (chess pawn with card). Scroll down to "Events" and "Event" and change the name to "door".

You then do the same to the "UseTrigger". Get its properties and change the name of "Event" and "Event" to "door". Make sure the name is the same as that of the "door mover".

And that should do it.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 20:13 by poompoom500 »


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #25 on: November 13, 2011, 13:58 »
Hiya all!

This might be a quite stupid question, but im really getting out of ideas...
So the thing is that I don't know how to test maps made for Killing Floor.

I tried:

-Run map from unrealed: Crashed
-Run with parameters: ..\system\Ut2004.exe awesomemap.ut2 -mod="KFMod20": Crashed
-Run with parameters and absolute paths: d:\ut2004\system\Ut2004.exe d:\ut2004\maps\awesomemap.ut2 -mod="KFMod20": Crashed

I know, stupid questions deserve no answers, but still. If anyone could help me out, I'd be grateful.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 14:06 by JD »


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #26 on: November 13, 2011, 14:59 »
Not sure what you mean...
Did you start KF Map Editor.bat or just UnrealEd.exe?


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #27 on: November 13, 2011, 15:09 »
"KF Map Editor.bat" ofcourse, but when I try to "PLAY MAP"(clicking on Joystick icon). It keeps crashing...general protection fault or something...


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2011, 15:14 »
Hiya all!

This might be a quite stupid question, but im really getting out of ideas...
So the thing is that I don't know how to test maps made for Killing Floor.

I tried:

-Run map from unrealed: Crashed
-Run with parameters: ..\system\Ut2004.exe awesomemap.ut2 -mod="KFMod20": Crashed
-Run with parameters and absolute paths: d:\ut2004\system\Ut2004.exe d:\ut2004\maps\awesomemap.ut2 -mod="KFMod20": Crashed

I know, stupid questions deserve no answers, but still. If anyone could help me out, I'd be grateful.
I don't know much about map editing, but what about running the game normally -> start game -> choose the map to test -> start listen server ?



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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #29 on: November 13, 2011, 15:16 »
That's how I do it. I never run the map from editor. I just run the game and open it ingame.
I don't see the problem...

But remember: Every KF map needs "KF" before it. You can't find it ingame when you don't name it "KF-blah" for example.