Storymode respawn - timer, objective or other?  (Read 25598 times)


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Storymode respawn - timer, objective or other?
« on: March 17, 2010, 22:34 »
Would storymode multi 'instant respawn' be too easy - but maybe "spawn objectives:" you have to reach a place so players can respawn again?

Or maybe a player respawn timer?  Some other ideas? 


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Re: Storymode respawn - timer, objective or other?
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2010, 00:01 »
Maybe a limited number of respawns. Because if someone dies at the beginning (shit happens sometimes right lol), that person would be given another oportunity. Maybe like 2 or 3 tops.
And a person would never respawn near the others (that way it would not be that easy after all). Staying togheter would be chalenging and fun to try this way, I guess.
But I like that "spawn objectives" idea as well.

Over n out.


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Re: Storymode respawn - timer, objective or other?
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2010, 01:10 »
Well i think can be a mix of things like have 3 lives or 3 respawns chances, but only u can respawn once the surviving players arrive to the next checkpoint, and of course respawn at the beginning of the if u r playing 6 players and for example 3 dies ans other 3 make it, 3 will spawn at the beginning and join forces to find the other 3.Now the thing is u gonna wait for the 3 guys that die and lose time or u gonna dare to continue killing more zombies than u can handle, this thing will work if the mission have a time limit so u must hurry to do the objetives...cya around



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Re: Storymode respawn - timer, objective or other?
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2010, 10:26 »
I'd probably go with less than 3 chances and maybe respawn objectives.


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Re: Storymode respawn - timer, objective or other?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2010, 22:50 »
I'd probably go with less than 3 chances and maybe respawn objectives.

I'd agree.


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Re: Storymode respawn - timer, objective or other?
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2010, 23:02 »
If you're talking about 'The Hive' here the most important thing to fix would be the train ride I guess. Played it twice now. The first time I didn't know that the train would move. I jumped out and didn't make it back in time when I noticed it. Walked through the tunnel and stood in front of a closed gate. Great. Next time someone pushed me through the buggy collision while the train was moving. And again I stood in front of the closed gate. Would love to see what is behind that gate.

I would add one life per player in case something stupid happens. And respawn objectives that once you reach them give you the life back in case you lost it. Means you can fail once per objective. If you fail again during the same objective you are dead.


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Re: Storymode respawn - timer, objective or other?
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2010, 09:52 »
Aww... sad to hear that.
Maybe the train should be altered so it could drive back once it's on the other side.
Or make the gates be open bit longer.

I wouldn't add extra lives there because the players who finish the map will die anyway in the end. That's how the map ends.


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Re: Storymode respawn - timer, objective or other?
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2010, 18:36 »
Played it once more today. One guy fell off the train while it was driving, but for some reason he spawned behind the gate...not sure how he did that. The train collision is definitely buggy while it is moving, probably not meant to be animated. If the gate would stay open it would help already.

Once the zombies spawned we were out of luck though. More than 200 zombies!? And not just the regular ones, also tougher types. We only had the bullpups and double 9mms from the beginning. Was a quick death. I wonder how you are supposed to finish this map (and die the 'proper' way). If you aren't supposed to kill all the zombies (which is utterly impossible unless you play with at least 8 players) you need to know where you have to go. No time for thinking in the narrow corridors while a huge horde of zombies is chasing you. There are even lots of dead ends, impossible to get out.

Too bad, I really like the idea of story maps. Would be great if there were some more working maps that are not impossible to beat.


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Re: Storymode respawn - timer, objective or other?
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2010, 23:56 »
 8) To Monsterboy,

Would be great if there were some more working maps that are not impossible to beat.

I played the map several times already. We were able to finish the map, but you wind up dying anyways. I finished the original map. But I revised it so you can play it and finish it. I added several respawnable weapons and ammos at crucial points! Here's the link to the revised KF-TheHive251 map  -- There are 2 more story maps you might want to try, KF-OldTower-Prefinal, and KF-Horztal33. I played both and finished the maps which I revised. Here are the links for both revised maps -- and

NOTE: The secret to staying alive at the KF-TheHive251 map is jumping up the barrels just right after you get in that room with several generator. Go to the Red Queen room to activate it, but STAY in the back of the laser room. Go to the front gate, turn switch on on right side, then go back to the back gate. Otherwise, the lasers will kill you. Then when the gate opens, go to the Red Queen room then turn switch on at left side post. Then haul ars back to the generators room and jump up the barrels. Wait til you see the message "Go back to the Red Queen room". Then you go to the door right next to you (where you came in) and turn it on and you'll see the messages, " etc..." and "access granted"! Then HAUL your ARS again to the red Queen room before it closes! The tunnel will eventually open. Jump in and get ammo. Use your shotgun to wipe out the Crawler that will jump in the back of you and then the Grefest and Clots, etc... SUGGESTION: Look at the configuration of the tunnel by using the unreal editor to see the shape of tunnel. Copy the shape and place it in front of you as you play!

P.S. (May 19, 2010) - I made a walkthrough of the map, KF-TheHive251. Click on this link -!
« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 14:15 by poompoom500 »