Nice nice
idem ditto. $1.5 is pi nuts.
It's still possible to install UT2004 trough steam, get key from registry and toss out steam again. Might be handy to add this for those who don't want to use steam.
/edit Yes

* Install UT2004 trough steam and run it.
* Alt-tab to windows and run regedit and go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Unreal Technology" or search for "CDKey"
* Right click on "Unreal Technology" name and select Export, give it a name and location and click save. (this file contains your UT2004 CDKEY, view/modify the file to check it contains the CDKey)
* Go back to UT2004 and quit it
* Go to your steam install folder -> steamapps -> common and find "Unreal Tournament 2004"
* Copy the whole map to a new folder outside Steam (preferably not inside "program files"d ue to Right issues)
* Remove UT2004 from steam client
* Go to where you Exported the register file, and run it (This will restore the CDKey into the register what was removed by the Steam client.)
* Download
UT2k4RegFix-1.1, run as administrator and insert new UT2004 install directory and give it 3369
(edit 18-9-22: Since this is a old program in times of 32bit. It "can" look for a wrong entry inside the register. If using the program won't change the key, then you need to manually change it.)* Download
UT2004 MegaPack + Windows Patch 3369 (200MB) and run it. Apply to the new UT2004 folder
* Make a shortcut of <new UT2004 install>\systems\UT2004.EXE and have fun
example of the register file:
UT2004_key.reg (view it to see register location)