Created a separated topic instead spamming the shoutbox
Can we look into the performance of the server when we have a full house (face) 9/10 times it lagging like crazy
We need more horsepower 
Is there a time of day you know it's mostly full? I can monitor CPU, memory and bandwidth...but when I have looked at this in the past there was no issue with the server machine. It may be that ut itself gets laggy in a long game with high player numbers
FaceClassic lag is mostly ok, I mean nonexistent when high number of players but when it gets really bad is when there are many players and someone takes the flag... I think almost everybody experienced this at least once... I'm in raptor (ofc) gogin to pick up flag carrier and it can happen that you loose a second or two before the server catches on with game... I think this is the main problem to solve with FaceClassic
As Piano mentioned its when the flag is taken, and in my opinion, when the match is in overtime. So i "think" its some thing with bandwidth, packet per sec issue or CPU limit (UT2004 = single core). The FPS is just fine. The lag is best described lagging burst. When its normal (for example fire speed but also movement) its like:
". . . . . . . . . ."
all good and when lagging it's like:
". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
This is always fixed when a new map is loaded.
Ill try make screenshots of net stats when i see this again. If you can log Memory/bandwidth/CPU usage by UCC thread (maybe when players are 16 or more?!)