Hey guys,
I’ve been playing a few games on the main freon server and it’s been a blast playing again but I was wondering if it would be possible to run one of the lesser used freon servers with some slight setting adjustments?
These would include...
- A lower player count of 6v6, 8v8 is a great way of getting the most people playing at once but a lot of the maps really don’t play so well with this many players, 6v6 has always felt like just the right amount of spam to me

- No pickups, this isn’t really a massive thing, could probably keep them, just don’t personally feel they add much to Freon.
- No resurrection combo, it’s freon, cuddle those corpsicles

- Normal adrenaline cap of 100, again not a massive thing, but with the removal of resurrection 100 is probably fine.
- No full health thawing, I feel this really takes away from some of the teamwork that was created with the cuddles version of freon and rounds can really drag on with the full health thaws.
- Ammo count adjustments to take into consideration the decrease in players? Not 100% on this one.
- Team adrenaline combos, I may have this wrong but I’m pretty sure this used to be a thing? Had a faster drain rate of your adrenaline but the benefit was team wide, was a nice dynamic.
- No bots balancing teams, one bot to shoot while the server fills up is fine, other than that they just get in the way, plus bot pathing on a lot of custom maps doesn’t exist which makes them pretty useless, but most importantly they’re the biggest cheaters in the game

I guess what I’m really after is the more traditional freon experience that we would of had back in the day, the main server with its current setup is obviously very popular and I wouldn’t want to take away from that, but a slightly quieter server with smaller player counts would be a nice break from the main server I feel.
Any thoughts on this would be great and if there’s other things people would add/remove feel free to share those ideas.
Oh and if I’ve somehow missed the fact that there’s already a server running like this then this can probably be ignored.