Hi All,
If you'd like to be helpful, please can you grab some screenshot samples for the maps indicated here, for use on the monitor on the front page:
https://miasma.rocks/pages/maps.php?t=o&o=1You can see the current ones here, and how the screenshots need to look:
https://miasma.rocks/pages/maps.phpThis is how I do it:
1. Run at fairly high detail settings
2. Use F9 to grab a screenshot. In user.ini I have:
F9=ToggleScreenshotMode| shot| ToggleScreenshotMode
3. Sharpen the image using image editor - a lot
4. Crop and resize to 160*120px
5. Save as .jpg with name same as map name, with suffix of "_
n" where n is a number. e.g. VCTF-NWTH-R2
If you can upload in a zip file for me somewhere that would be great.