Hi!  (Read 36965 times)


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« on: January 19, 2021, 09:37 »
So that was weird.  Fired up UT2004 for the first time in years and played some ONS against bots and then thought, wasn't there a cool mod called Freon, so I had a look and was like yay there's a Freon server running (I thought UT2K4 was dead tbh).

Within 2 secs of joining I get a message, "is that Jez from T32!"  Hi Kops.  Two minutes later and Piglet shows up along with a few other recognisable names!  o/ Stealer.

Some things are eternal I suppose!

Looking at my screenshot folder I last played regularly over a decade ago!  My kids were asking about a game where you "run round shooting things" which inspired me to fire up UT again.  We have mostly been playing local multi player games like Lego games, Stick Fight, Ultimate Chicken Horse, Sonic racing, etc.  Won't be long before they are online with their own PCs I suppose.

I think I'm a bit rusty, couldn't hit anything.  I'm going to blame my wireless mouse lolz.  It's all a bit different on a widescreen and rofls at the 400fps or whatever I now get, I remember struggling to maintain 60.  Is there a way to lock it at 144 to match my monitor? Or doesn't that matter.  I need to play with some settings.

I'll try and drop in sometimes.  Won't be often, but will be good to rack up some more Freon hours. 


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Re: Hi!
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2021, 09:42 »
Not sure I'll be topping the leader board again ;D



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Re: Hi!
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2021, 10:34 »
Welcome back!!
I met you you yesterday ingame and i have to say...10 years off, you played better than i do after 2-3 months being off!!

Check this thread in ut2004 section for game/fps tweaks


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Re: Hi!
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2021, 10:58 »
Welcome back Jezz! Sooner or later they all come back..
See you on the server.


Re: Hi!
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2021, 12:57 »
Great to bump into you again! I took a decade off, too and I'm pretty much back to where I was before which is an aimless spammer who gets in everyone's way but thaws a lot.

Glad to hear you're well and the kids are, too. Kids everywhere mate. How things change.


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Re: Hi!
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2021, 13:31 »
Wellcome back. I see you at the arena.


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Re: Hi!
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2021, 14:01 »
Welcome! It's great to see you again.

Things have moved on a lot since you last played. We've fixed a lot of the bugs. Had kids. Got our own physical machine. Thawed more.

There seems to be a bug still in there whereby occasionally in really good games the rounds-won drop equally on each team and we end up playing longer.

Sometimes that means a lot of thawing:


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Re: Hi!
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2021, 14:21 »
Wassup Jez, good to see you around again :)


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Re: Hi!
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2021, 16:14 »
jezman   Welcome back  :)


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Re: Hi!
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2021, 18:41 »
So that was weird.  Fired up UT2004 for the first time in years and played some ONS against bots and then thought, wasn't there a cool mod called Freon, so I had a look and was like yay there's a Freon server running (I thought UT2K4 was dead tbh).

Within 2 secs of joining I get a message, "is that Jez from T32!"  Hi Kops.  Two minutes later and Piglet shows up along with a few other recognisable names!  o/ Stealer.

Some things are eternal I suppose!

Looking at my screenshot folder I last played regularly over a decade ago!  My kids were asking about a game where you "run round shooting things" which inspired me to fire up UT again.  We have mostly been playing local multi player games like Lego games, Stick Fight, Ultimate Chicken Horse, Sonic racing, etc.  Won't be long before they are online with their own PCs I suppose.

So I was right last night about a familiar name - welcome back jez. The game is still great, had a long break as well before C-sh*t brought me back, at least one good thing about it.

There are new maps you will like, just be online and they will be played. Just be careful, there is a wild knobster running around and if you find your self killed by many many rockets, don't wonder as well. ;D

I think I'm a bit rusty, couldn't hit anything.  I'm going to blame my wireless mouse lolz.  It's all a bit different on a widescreen and rofls at the 400fps or whatever I now get, I remember struggling to maintain 60.  Is there a way to lock it at 144 to match my monitor? Or doesn't that matter.  I need to play with some settings.

I'll try and drop in sometimes.  Won't be often, but will be good to rack up some more Freon hours.

You might just have triggered ...

Welcome back!!
I met you you yesterday ingame and i have to say...10 years off, you played better than i do after 2-3 months being off!!

Check this thread in ut2004 section for game/fps tweaks

there he is  :D

Great to bump into you again! I took a decade off, too and I'm pretty much back to where I was before which is a goop addict,nearly as much as hagis.

Fixed that for you once more  >:D

There seems to be a bug still in there whereby occasionally in really good games the rounds-won drop equally on each team and we end up playing longer.

I see - the bug that is so far down your bug tracker list, it will most likely never be fixed?  ;)


Re: Hi!
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2021, 20:54 »
There seems to be a bug still in there whereby occasionally in really good games the rounds-won drop equally on each team and we end up playing longer.

Only seems to happen on Contrast. We really should look into that.


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Re: Hi!
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2021, 21:09 »
Hi Jezza. Good shots there, can't believe how long ago that was! Sorry I couldn't play longer last night, still having issues with my gfx card/radeon software.
Think I have you on steam, I definitely messaged a Jezza on my steam list about the servers - hopefully it was you?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2021, 21:14 by Stealer »


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Re: Hi!
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2021, 13:14 »
Hi Jezza. Good shots there, can't believe how long ago that was! Sorry I couldn't play longer last night, still having issues with my gfx card/radeon software.
Think I have you on steam, I definitely messaged a Jezza on my steam list about the servers - hopefully it was you?

I didn't get a message but you are on my Steam friends list, I'm "jezzaman".  All my Steam contacts are UT players!  A couple not been on for years - I wonder what happened to them?  I've posted in the Titan steam group:


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Re: Hi!
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2021, 13:17 »
Welcome back!!
I met you you yesterday ingame and i have to say...10 years off, you played better than i do after 2-3 months being off!!

Check this thread in ut2004 section for game/fps tweaks

Thanks, yeah, did some stuff and seems better.  Getting frame rate up seems to have helped.  And I had the weird mouse lag thing on.  My mouse just feels all wrong still but they don't make my old "gaming" mouse anymore (Microsoft Intellisense 3).

Either way, I managed a game where I got more kills than deaths so that's progress lol!


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Re: Hi!
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2021, 13:19 »
Sometimes that means a lot of thawing

Rofl!  Reminds me of when we ramped up the player count on Titan (32?).  Couldn't find any screenies to prove it.