You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO.
Level.Game.BroadcastHandler.BroadcastLocalized(none, Player, class'EQTeamSwitchMessage', NewTeam, Player.PlayerReplicationInfo);
Please stick to English on the forums.
You seem to speak English pretty well when it suits you and you certainly speak a lot more English than most people here speak Hungarian. Nobody's forcing you to speak English here but perhaps try - it'll be good practice and we won't have to go to google translate every time you post Anyway - let's not derail the thread.
[EQTeamSwitchMessage]SwitchToRed="You are on Red!" SwitchToBlue="You are on Blue!"