Petition to either fix the bender glitch on Lakovost or ban people who abuse it  (Read 52099 times)


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It's an absolute joke that this hasn't been addressed yet - I've seen corsica and th3 cheat their way to victory several times on this map and nothing has been done. I've seen players like Asus getting banned for far less than this and these scums got away with it several times. It's one thing to abuse a glitch for fun when the game isn't affected and another to use it as a huge advantage in the game.

I thought that some basic rules applied to the servers, but I see that I'm mistaken. Fix this asap, because when cheaters like corsica or th3 are around it's unplayable. It's a joke that this has been allowed for so long. Either fix the bug or ban these cheaters.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2022, 19:39 by duke »


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Tbh. I have no idea what you're talking about. Picture says 1000 words.


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Do explain the glitch so hell can have some fun before the fix :D


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I don't have a picture.

The glitch allows the bender to hide at the very top of the mountain, it's impossible to shoot down by the enemy team + the driver can hit through walls/cave. For anyone with a half decent aim this is huge advantage for the team he's in.

I saw th3 abuse this glitch today, he ended 95-0 in frags. Need to say more?

Anyway, call is as you like - for me this is flat out cheating which I hate with a passion. We had players get permabanned for far less.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2022, 20:10 by duke »


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Think I found it.

Oh man. That i didn't think of it. That spot is EPIC!  O:-)

That said.

Shooting trough walls/hills/floors you normally not able to is considered a glitch and actions will be taken against you.


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So you're saying this isn't banned altogether - you can hit people if you can aim them down directly?


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They almost parking outside the map. Hence you can shoot people you're not suppose to at that location.

If I see you (Or players providing proof) doing that = (temp) ban


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Gosh it’s amusing when people can’t accept defeat and move on. It’s truly not my fault if you are not familiar with the features of the map in question. The bender is not invincible in the spot you are referring to. If you climb the mountain with a scorpion it can be pushed down. Nonetheless if it’s against the rules, I will refrain from doing it in the future.


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Rule 2, 3rd bullet point:,931.msg9997.html#msg9997

Just use common sense. If you find yourself in a place where you have an advantage like that and use it you're breaking the rule. Don't do it. If you have to suicide your player to get out then do it.


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Of course it's it's against the rules. You should know better.

And never seen this one?

2. No hacks or exploits, such as...

    map exploiting for your advantage (mostly shooting through trees in ONS-Primeva

Piglet beat me to it


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Dude don't try this BS with me, cause it's not gonna work. I'm not some noob, especially on lakovost which I know in and out, that you can sugergoat with some weak excuse and I'm gonna buy it. And please don't tell me about accepting defeat, because when we're in opposite teams on this map and it's fairly balanced I don't think I've lost to you once there. So if there's anyone who should learn this it's you instead of abusing a glitch that gives you huge advantage to get a win.

Yes the bender is not invicible, but dude try climbing the mountain with either the scorpion or bender in the enemy camp - yeah I'm sure you won't be bothered by 5-10 people if you want to get there. So what's your suggestion now - should one guy from our team to the same to even things out?

That's it, I'm not gonna waste any more time on this matter.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2022, 21:16 by duke »


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How is this now talk of the town? I have seen many times ppl use that spot with bender when admins are in the game so is this just one of those topics ppl have ignored for too long?


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It would be relatively easy to climb up to the top and knock the bender down as the mountainside below the bender, and the hills around the middle of the map are blind spots. but complaining takes less effort, I guess. About your other point, either you have a very selective memory or a funny definition of balance, but I’m not gonna go into that here.
Regardless, as the admins kindly reminded me, using the said spot is against the rules, thus it won’t happen again. Hope ur satisfied dukey ^^


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Sure you can park there and shoot forward. You can't shoot down trough the ground that does not exist.


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How you have the audacity to still fight your case is beyond me. Getting angry like a thief who got caught red handed and now he's angry at the guy who reported this. Can you stoop even lower?

Plus not that it matters, but I already told you the only way to counter this in a legit game is by the bender in the other team doing the exact same thing, because no proper defence will allow an enemy bender/scorpion to go that high in their base.

Easier to complain, yeaaaah, more like easier to cheat than actually play according to the rules.