SpaceStation = another "bug" to fix  (Read 23437 times)


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SpaceStation = another "bug" to fix
« on: September 15, 2022, 18:17 »
Another game ruined by the construction of the map. You can easily shield jump to the roof where you're virtually impossible to take down + one combo and whoever comes even close to the flag dies instantly. Snoop was sitting there for like 80/90% of the game and - shocker, his team won 5-0.

I don't know what is it with you people that you just can't play the game fair and need to constantly look for cheap advantages all the time? AGAIN - if you're playing GTA or Skyrim do whatever you want, but don't abuse glitches/bugs etc. when it affects 20 other players. I could've easily done the same thing as Snoop and the map would've lasted 3 days until one of us fell asleep.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2022, 18:19 by duke »


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Re: SpaceStation = another "bug" to fix
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2022, 20:03 »
Thats No Bug, u can easily shoot him down from the sides...


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Re: SpaceStation = another "bug" to fix
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2022, 20:18 »
There are 2 versions of this map if you have noticed that, one with closed roof with hidden wall and one with open roof we can easily remove the bad version


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Re: SpaceStation = another "bug" to fix
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2022, 20:21 »

I’m trying not to start anything this time, but this is just flat-out bullshitxD

When you complained about shooting through textures you did have a point, but you can’t just go around throwing accusations every time you lose a game. The spot you talk about is legit and counterable. Is it annoying when someone camps there? Maybe. Is it a glitch or hax or bug or whatever? Most certainly not. Just because it annoys you doesn’t mean it should be bannable, right? ::)


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Re: SpaceStation = another "bug" to fix
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2022, 21:02 »
It's technically not a bug/glitch, but the version we played on he couldn't be taken down. Again, my main question is why can't people just enjoy regular play and need to look for cheap advantages all the time? It's a low blow and pisses everyone off (by everyone I mean everyone who actually cares).
I don't like to face Scofield for example, but his aim is legit and it's a skill he acquired through hours of play, so I never wanted him gone from the game. Going on a roof when nobody can take you down and just hitting stombos every time an enemy attacker shows up doesn't require any skill whatsoever.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2022, 21:06 by duke »


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Re: SpaceStation = another "bug" to fix
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2022, 22:12 »
I do think these spots are part of regular play. You mentioned Snoop doing it, camping basically is his playstylexD. He finds critical points in maps and sits around them for 20 minutes. I’m not saying it can’t be frustrating or lame, because it can, but the only solution is to find ways to outplay him. As ultra pointed it out, you should have been able to see him from the sides, but even if not, you could have just shieldjumped there and pushed him off while u were midair, as there is really not much space to stand where he was or idk, this is what I would have probably tried.

Point being, as annoying as it may be, utilizing certain attributes of maps is still part of regular play.


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Re: SpaceStation = another "bug" to fix
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2022, 23:23 »
you should have been able to see him from the sides, but even if not, you could have just shieldjumped there and pushed him off while u were midair
Dude that's some peak Rambo stuff. It was like 12 vs 12, by the time I got to him I'd have like 50 hp xD


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Re: SpaceStation = another "bug" to fix
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2022, 23:36 »
0.001 BTC =  no snoop if duke pays hell  for a 20 min of camp cleaning job :D


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Re: SpaceStation = another "bug" to fix
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2022, 10:35 »
0.001 BTC =  no snoop if duke pays hell  for a 20 min of camp cleaning job :D