VCTF and sociology  (Read 77437 times)


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #45 on: October 10, 2022, 14:33 »
Hahaha and literally the same crap again on Lakovost just minutes ago - I was alone in my team AGAIN playing at 300% to keep it fairly even and everyone started joining the opposite team - Paradox, Paco and Belial to name a few (should've made a print screen). I mean you have to be seriously dense at this point to not know that this to eff up the game and make me lose within 3 minutes. From now on I'm posting screenshots or videos of such games, because this is seriously pathetic when it's 1 vs 8 (I'm not even exaggerating) and there are no consequences for full blown winjoiners who are ruining the games and this is happening way too often recently.

Then when the tables turn on their a***s and they're alone in their teams these little pu**ies instantly go spec. What a complete and utter joke.

Or hey let's just show the middle finger to balancer and I'll just keep joining stronger teams from now on without any consequences? What a great idea, huh?

Sort this out guys, because there's no point in anyone playing in such circumstances. I thought the idea was to keep the game fair and balanced not have one guy do 300% work and then have everyone join the opposite team for an easy win.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2022, 14:39 by duke »


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #46 on: October 10, 2022, 14:47 »

Delete Lakovost++ from the map rotation and the number of forum posts will decrease significantly lol


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #47 on: October 10, 2022, 14:55 »
I believe that this would be a very interesting research topic, which could revolutionize the perception of the video game market on the one hand and the societies of the countries concerned on the other.

I strongly agree


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #48 on: October 10, 2022, 14:59 »

Delete Lakovost++ from the map rotation and the number of forum posts will decrease significantly lol
Sure, it's obviously the map itself that's causing so many problems, not the fact that people are douchebags.


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #49 on: October 10, 2022, 15:05 »
Okay, I have a real problem here, I have 300+ posts but my profile number is still 300, can anyone fix this right away?


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #50 on: October 10, 2022, 15:10 »

Sure, it's obviously the map itself that's causing so many problems, not the fact that people are douchebags.
I'm not saying the map has any problems - especially after the creative fix on the mountains lel - I'm saying that you always find something bs to complain about regarding it. No map - no problems


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #51 on: October 10, 2022, 17:42 »

Sure, it's obviously the map itself that's causing so many problems, not the fact that people are douchebags.
I'm not saying the map has any problems - especially after the creative fix on the mountains lel - I'm saying that you always find something bs to complain about regarding it. No map - no problems
Lakovost is just the most prominent example, this happens on every map. On lakovost literally half of the games I play people are ganging up on me to the point where it's like 1 vs 6/8 and I can't even respawn properly. Like is there some magic achievement that I'm unaware of that is unlocked where you beat me on lakovost to the point where nobody gives a flying F about balance anymore.

But I see it constantly on tons of maps. Imagine doing 1 vs 8 on Magis all the time. Imagine if everyone was effing the balancer to beat Thunder on Edge or Sup on magnet just for the sake of it.

Freaking blows my mind why people just can't play fair especially since there is nothing to gain as we're not playing for anything other than to have fun.


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #52 on: October 10, 2022, 17:43 »
Hello again, I just came back from work and I can see that again this topic has become the subject of a discussion not strictly related to the topic. In order not to make the same mistakes, I will not comment or defend myself against any accusations against me. As I mentioned before, some of the people writing here prove that they take this game (server) very seriously - is this already approaching the form of addiction? I started this topic to know your opinion on this matter (sociology), meanwhile I only see unnecessary arguments. On the other hand ... what did I expect? Mostly people here after returning from work want to have fun with a bottle of beer. If someone from the administration is reading this, please close this topic - let's stop this wave of hate.

Some of those people here should eat buritto to calm down.  ;)


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #53 on: October 10, 2022, 18:37 »
Mostly people here after returning from work want to have fun with a bottle of beer.

I thought you had to with a bottle of coke:


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #54 on: October 10, 2022, 19:35 »

Or hey let's just show the middle finger to balancer and I'll just keep joining stronger teams from now on without any consequences? What a great idea, huh?

Sort this out guys, because there's no point in anyone playing in such circumstances. I thought the idea was to keep the game fair and balanced not have one guy do 100% work and then have everyone join the opposite team for an easy win.
exactly whatever you do they will blame you,  if someone try  to make games fair they will accuse him of ruining games and if he winjoins they start calling him winjoiner, i just remembered justice was moving players from red to blue and from blue to red to make the games fair coz we can not fix balancer  100%  would they blame justice too if he did the same thing now ?? they feel happy after winning in 3 minutes  as u said it was 9 vs 1 but if u tried to make it 4 vs 5 they would blame you, there is a player iam not gonna say who is it i just joined game i was looking at teams to see where i should play so he called me winjoiner and start crying anyway i switched to his team i have noticed next days he winjoined like 3 times so what do you expect ??


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2022, 21:27 »
Duke the insult was not that im next rounin or napolit it was that these loser have been acting like assholes in the past and he has told it to outside group what happens inside the whatsapp.

My post was more of how these ppl who sit on that Whatsapp group come to forums/discord in group to defend each others and to accuse others wrong doing.  How long we had to read Sup posting stupid shit on forum/ingame/discord about Cowboy when he had already goten muted in every platform. Admins just let Sup be toxic for no gain other than to grow the toxicity.

Piglet/Kops are u guys not in the whatsapp group? if not go ask Lao/nardaq what happens there well ofc they wont tell shit as they are part of the group. Btw kops u keep saying arent ppl adults then tell me why cant Admins do their job? why they half ass it or abuse the power? Might be because thats what adults or manchildren.


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #56 on: October 10, 2022, 22:14 »
Just wow, wow! Wait you know what let me get my Popcorn again


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #57 on: October 11, 2022, 00:32 »
My post was more of how these ppl who sit on that Whatsapp group come to forums/discord in group to defend each others and to accuse others wrong doing.  How long we had to read Sup posting stupid shit on forum/ingame/discord about Cowboy when he had already goten muted in every platform. Admins just let Sup be toxic for no gain other than to grow the toxicity.

Piglet/Kops are u guys not in the whatsapp group? if not go ask Lao/nardaq what happens there well ofc they wont tell shit as they are part of the group. Btw kops u keep saying arent ppl adults then tell me why cant Admins do their job? why they half ass it or abuse the power? Might be because thats what adults or manchildren.


This guy has some really bizarre fetish with me... Just prove what you say, I'm sure I'm so toxic you have tons of evidence..

In the game I only said once, like months ago "Helloooo johnny" and you said "OMG NARDAQ BAN SUP PLEASE LOOK AT THIS! HE SAID HELLO TO JOHNNY"
And I don't even use discord lol

About the group, if any adm wants (and the members agree) I can export the entire chat. (I warn you in advance that you will see a lot of Korean men's abs, and kittens). Apparently the girls there like Korean abs, I try to balance it with boobs. I call it sup equalization system

There's nothing toxic there, we hardly ever talk about ut. Kuha stayed there for 1 week and barely interacted (ty god) because he doesn't know how to talk about anything but ut. But I'm sure he took a lot of screenshots proving how toxic we are and will post them all here soon. it will be our end :(


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #58 on: October 11, 2022, 08:43 »
Piggy please, close this damn topic.  :-[


Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #59 on: October 11, 2022, 10:32 »
Idd. What was an initially interesting thread has been sadly locked, like several others.