Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon - balance, bio-camping, classic maps - others (discuss)

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--- Quote from: holyspam on March 21, 2023, 19:33 ---In the meantime, i increased the minimum thaw HP to 145 as a workaround....and it actually works better than expected.

--- End quote ---

Works so well, I suspect we can leave it like that

Very cool!

I did some testing, made it configurable, fixed some configuration settings so the right ones show up properly offline (there may be more to fix).

Let's try it tomorrow.


--- Quote from: Piglet on March 21, 2023, 20:22 ---I tried this locally and it works....enemy goop defrosts you rather than damages, when frozen....

Freon_Pawn>State Frozen>function TakeDamage :

--- Code: --- if ((self.GetTeamNum() != InstigatedBy.GetTeamNum()) &&
(DamageType == class'DamTypeBioGlob' || DamageType == class'DamType_BioGlob')){
GiveHealth(Damage, 100);

--- End code ---

--- End quote ---
This would give insta-thaws haha, maybe 10% of the dmg?

Not a fan of the bio thawing at all, would change the gameplay compleately. .. For example you now rather push enemys together so they lost there spawn protection. With it you would need to push them as far away as possible.

And you can't use bio anymore. Like you are on low HP than just step in enemy bio blobs, when there are more around. Than with a bit luck the fozen corps falls into the other blobs. Or use a rocket jump into the bio goop.

You can rather make own team seccondary linkgun thaws, if you want avoid a bio frag while thawing.

Also a thaw bio frag is one of the few situations where you can frag Phan or DVaw.


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