Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon - balance, bio-camping, classic maps - others (discuss)

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what I would change

remove the code which disables spawn protection when thawing next to frozen teammate (it's confusing to most, encourages stacking frozen players and goo camping), the only reason (as I understand it) for that it was added was to prevent easy turnrounds,. I don't see that as a big problem - if players really concerned about it they can stop stacking frozen players

3psn health is how I prefer things to work,. the game is too easy w/ full health thaws,.  I think standard on mia is good enough it makes it more - though I do think w/o CM it will near impossible for a team comeback

things I disagree with (from holys post)

the maplist - sure it could be done a different way,. on US freon servers the same 10 maps don't get played every time,. the range is much more interesting and weirdly no one complains,. they do this on SoL and HoC differently but in both cases the amount of good maps played is way more - the fact some players want to play same maps over and over is a bug not a feature

the CM story - I think it's turned off now,.  my views on why it is required I said multiple times and I'm open to change my mind  - lets see what happens (CM can always be turned back on depending on what is found!) :)

I do like the idea of goop contributing to thawing frozen enemies


--- Quote from: Piglet on March 18, 2023, 15:19 ---Stats saved away and reset. Challenge mode off. Not sure who turned it back on again (Hagis?)

Let's give it a day or two.

--- End quote ---

wth - no I haven't touched it :P


--- Quote from: hagis on March 21, 2023, 18:55 ---what I would change

remove the code which disables spawn protection when thawing next to frozen teammate (it's confusing to most, encourages stacking frozen players and goo camping), the only reason (as I understand it) for that it was added was to prevent easy turnrounds,. I don't see that as a big problem - if players really concerned about it they can stop stacking frozen players

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hmm....this combined with "groups" thawing faster (i guess due to body heat? xD would make more sense than the current way)

--- Quote from: hagis on March 21, 2023, 18:55 ---
3psn health is how I prefer things to work,. the game is too easy w/ full health thaws,.  I think standard on mia is good enough it makes it more - though I do think w/o CM it will near impossible for a team comeback

the CM story - I think it's turned off now,.  my views on why it is required I said multiple times and I'm open to change my mind  - lets see what happens (CM can always be turned back on depending on what is found!) :)

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Funny thing about 3spn health + CM off + 145hp thaws

Initially Piglet disabled CM and left 100/100 thaws, it was working as expected.
Then we reverted to 3spn thaws, but thawed players were dying very easily.

Mostly due to "Shield" not being transferred to the thawed player, only health...

I quickly wrote some basic code that we could use that does the following:
50HP + 50S with an additional 25% of thawer's HP added to both shield and hp
This would bring total hit points between 100-200.

In the meantime, i increased the minimum thaw HP to 145 as a workaround....and it actually works better than expected.

It had some benefits!
1)You start with 100/100, then if you die you start with 145, so it punishes people who mindlessly rush. - 3spn is intended to work this way
2)The thawer will be healed up to 145HP after finishing the thaw.

It seems to feel more natural than challenge mode and we do have comebacks even from 7-1...just not the un-natural comebacks of challenge mode where almost every other game was a comeback.

--- Quote from: hagis on March 21, 2023, 18:55 ---
the maplist - sure it could be done a different way,. on US freon servers the same 10 maps don't get played every time,. the range is much more interesting and weirdly no one complains,. they do this on SoL and HoC differently but in both cases the amount of good maps played is way more - the fact some players want to play same maps over and over is a bug not a feature

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There are many good maps in there, but having too many options means that people will vote the one they know.
Some of the maps included are broken, some are inferior versions, some are bad, some have never been played, these should be removed.
But the maplist is difficult to manage.

I tried this locally and it works....enemy goop defrosts you rather than damages, when frozen....

Freon_Pawn>State Frozen>function TakeDamage :

--- Code: --- if ((self.GetTeamNum() != InstigatedBy.GetTeamNum()) &&
(DamageType == class'DamTypeBioGlob' || DamageType == class'DamType_BioGlob')){
GiveHealth(Damage, 100);

--- End code ---


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