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« on: May 26, 2010, 12:27 »

delete this topic ,original topic (people cant connect to my server)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 22:36 by JeetKuneDo »


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Re: People can't connect to my server , N/A ping
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2010, 16:10 »
maybe since the update the ports are diffrent ...
when ever i make a server my ping is N/A coz i cba to forwerd my ports....


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Re: People can't connect to my server , N/A ping
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2010, 17:20 »
I don't get it  , weeks ago and a week ago i played on my server (listen) and people joined it too .

Now people can't join my server anymore ,zaid looked and saw my ping is N/A (why ? ) and he tried to join but he couldn't .

I don't have any firewall turned on ,no antivirus blocking the game etc.

Please don't tell me to port forward beacause i can't ,and why should i if people could join my server then ?
I didn't change anything ,only downloaded the latest fix wich i don't think is bad .

Why people can't join my server now ? Why ? What is this stupid problem .....
Please someone help me!!!  Don't know what to do !

Also not to create another topic my friend wich uses online crack enabler can't see your mia server  ,i can see it with online crack enabler (from torrent sites) and he also see's like 20 unreal 2004 servers when he refreshes the list (yes in killing floor) ....Why ? standard servers is not checked , and default filters selected or not selected it doesnt matter .I just want to play with him sometimes but he can't conect to my server or can't see other kf servers ,only connect by ip to MIA ,the only server that works ....

Help me please...

Raj Afx0r, Strel0k others, the experts who will know ways around that problem.  My noob info is that you have a router/I have a router, so can only connect to dedicated when you switch to LAN (otherwise n/a ping).  I use LAN option to test effects in multiplayer - because some stuff in unreal is made for single and doesn't work in multi.  I had a modem before and dedicated worked ok, other people could join - i could join.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 17:24 by Snipe34 »


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Re: People can't connect to my server , N/A ping
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2010, 17:21 »
the kf port is 7777
you can find that by checking the kfmod20.ini file in the first section
Code: [Select]

Just to be sure, check the windows firewall.
You can do this by following this steps:
1) Click Start, click Run, type Firewall.cpl, and then click OK.

A dialog box will show and check if it's enable or not. In case you have firewall activated (On) try disabling it. And then try again creating killing floor server.

Btw if you're behind a router and you're trying to create "dedicated" server. You have to do a port forward in the router on 7777 port.

I'll be back at night, let me know if it worked or not.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 17:24 by [MiA]afx0r »


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Re: People can't connect to my server , N/A ping
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2010, 17:27 »
 :-[ To jeetkunedo,

Now people can't join my server anymore
Sorry to hear that. I joined your server before when Mia's server was down. And I even told you about my maps at ModDB. As for your problem, the thing I suggest you do is check your "Settiing/Game" connection. Either have it on "Cable/DSL" or LAN/T1". See if it'll work.


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Re: People can't connect to my server , N/A ping
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2010, 16:11 »
 :-[ To jeetkunedo,

What is your internet setup? Are you connected directly to the cable modem? Or do you use a router?


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Re: People can't connect to my server , N/A ping
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2010, 17:13 »
I HAVE THE SOLUTION, i found this out myself

enable webadmin and leave the port how it is


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Re: People can't connect to my server , N/A ping
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2010, 16:24 »
Or in worst case scenario, your ISP might have blocked the needed incoming port.


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Re: People can't connect to my server , N/A ping
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2010, 22:04 »
It could be the exception list or allow list of programs from the windows firewall.
Some new programs installed in your windows have to be enable for using udp/tcp protocols.

You said that you have a router installed. Best way to know if the problem is in your computer or router is disconnecting the router. Connect the Modem directly to your computer and try to create the server and see if people can join. If it works, probably is a router config problem.

Btw you should try port triggering or port forwarding for your router.
Here's an example of port forwarding for kf with 7777 port. The ip of the computer in lan is Protocols tcp and udp (both).


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Re: People can't connect to my server , N/A ping
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2010, 02:24 »
In the screen ("game and application sharing") you show me try with this values.
So type or select:

In protocol "Any"
In port range "7777" to "7777"
In Translate to "7777"

Then click on Add.
Then click on Apply (it's in the top of the page)

After this, click the link "Assign a game or application to a local network device".
There you'll select the application/game name you added before, and choose a computer to forward ports to in the device box.
Click Add and after this click over Apply (at the top)

Try kf again after doing these steps.

Hope it can help you to open ports for games.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 02:28 by [MiA]afx0r »