
I was wondering how u all think about the bot filling the uneven spot, or just let the stronger team carry more weight.

Cloud, u stalker in spec. U hardly play at all... :-)   (true)
0 (0%)
Yes, voting for without bot in teams is an option, but keep the bot when only 1 player is there
3 (60%)
No, just no.
0 (0%)
While bots are annoying, they are better than leaving the team numbers different
2 (40%)

Total Members Voted: 5

In the freon server remove the bot to "even" the teams, an option/(ingame)vote?  (Read 41471 times)


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    • Cl04d
I was wondering how people prefer to play on the freon server.


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I was having a look at this today before I saw this post.

There are a couple of practical difficulties.

Unless I'm missing something, the voting configuration options are sent by the engine in UnGame to the game class in InitGame, which then calls ParseOption() to pull out each variable. This doesn't appear to pass on the option string to mutators or to save the options for mutators to refer to.

As Freon is its own gametype, I suppose it would be possible to add code to pull a voting option (or save the option string) into a game variable for the mutator to refer to - but that would mean that the mutator would need to know about the custom gametype and to act differently depending on the content of those variables in the game. That feels like a rather nasty hack!


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can u add the option of * swap a bot over a player ,thx.


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The balancer starts off by putting the highest PPR player on one team, then the next two highest PPR players on the other team, and thereafter runs down the PPR order putting players on alternate teams.

If a high PPR player joins or leaves, or if the average running PPR of the teams varies by more than n (=0.7), then at round end the two players with PPR that most closely cancel out the average PPR gap of the teams are swapped. This logic doesn't currently consider bots, but I suppose it could....however it's not that likely that the bot from one team and a player from the other is the best fit.

Anyway, back on topic the Freon game code now stores the game options so that any value can be pulled out of it if needed by mutators. I'm somewhat surprised that this isn't in Epic's base code. I've also changed the mutator that adds in the bot to know about Freon and to read and use the content. The mutator code isn't something I originally wrote so I'm not 100% sure the setting I'm currently using will have the desired effect - but we'll see tonight.


Could you also apply this to warfarre, bots get stuck in many places while unable to reach trivial ones when necessary and immediately finding hiding flag carriers which is just beyond nonsense.


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Ok nice Pigs, thanks alot for the fast work. ☆


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Could you also apply this to warfarre, bots get stuck in many places while unable to reach trivial ones when necessary and immediately finding hiding flag carriers which is just beyond nonsense.

The bigger problem of the two things you mention is the bot pathing. That's something only a mapper can fix. While I can do small map changes I know nothing about bot pathing. There's nothing stopping more players from learning this sort of thing and giving us map fixes. Is it something you could try and do?

While it is possible to make the same sort of change for vCTF, it's actually different code to Freon (in both the game and the code controlling the addition of the bot). It's not something I have on my list to look at.


I know but that's why I asked to remove them since it's a pain in the ass to fix then and they do nothing in the name of balance.
Sadly I don't think i could fix pathing myself, but a good example any place where you need to do any special double jump that even the most unskilled played can figure out in a couple of attempts the bot just fails over and over again (watch a bot try to score the flag in Veniis).


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Sadly I don't think i could fix pathing myself


This book would cost you around $7 second hand. It's chapter 12 that details what to do. You could give it a go.

In order to get unrealed to work properly on windows 10 you do have to disable the graphics driver from the device manager. This defaults the graphics driver to a default windows one that is compatible with the program. You have to re-enable it to play the game at anything like sensible frame-rates!

I have recently bought the book, however I have so many different projects on the go that I'm not going to get to this part any time soon...


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We can also mark UT to run in compatibility mode in win 10 to make it easy?


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I'm not sure that does anything for unrealed. Without the basic graphics driver you don't get context menus etc.


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I like to warm up on Deathmatch (single player) Rankin with 20+ adept bots.
Possibly not relevant, but the bots are really good at killing pro players if they get close to them (they don't miss with full flack to the face!), it might even out the scores on freon?

I always used to like warming up the old T32 ons server with at least 5 bots on each team.

One thing I would suggest is if there is only a couple of players is to have the option of team switching so that human players can play against bots. If there is only 2 players on freon, it's more fun to have humans on the same side for teamwork to get the server started or a warm up :)

Hope retirement is treating you well mon ami ;)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2024, 22:52 by Stealer »


Any way to get your hands on a PDF version of the book? I found some useful info on pathing on youtube:

Sadly I don't think i could fix pathing myself


This book would cost you around $7 second hand. It's chapter 12 that details what to do. You could give it a go.

In order to get unrealed to work properly on windows 10 you do have to disable the graphics driver from the device manager. This defaults the graphics driver to a default windows one that is compatible with the program. You have to re-enable it to play the game at anything like sensible frame-rates!

I have recently bought the book, however I have so many different projects on the go that I'm not going to get to this part any time soon...


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If it's pathing I can probably do it. I just absolutely hate pathing, lol
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


  • 1337
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Any way to get your hands on a PDF version of the book?

I'm sure there are. If you ask on Discord I suspect someone can point you in the right direction: https://discord.gg/d7KavprG7W