General Zone > The Lounge

How to kill a dying game in 2 steps

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--- Quote from: Ottiishiia on June 20, 2024, 00:06 ---Sup is a great skilled player and he is one of the most beloved players, he always tries to make a happy atmosphere in the game, and being nice! And many people on the server would agree with me.

I play often, almost everyday and I haven't seen you Holy, playing on warfare server, so judging people you don't know, its not a way to go, think if it was reverse, nobody wouldnt want to be judge based on unknowlegde... ღ

--- End quote ---

Dw, I summarize for you:

you don't know shit about me or the vctf server, yw

I know that you spend more time as a drama queen on the forum, than ingame

Sigh, and Pig asks me not to be aggressive...

Yeah, let's delete all the most popular maps in the game and that's okay, let's add 50 more assault maps that no one wants to play besides Pjano and Nardaq and that's okay.

I tried to talk to Nardaq on discord and he ignored it, just like he ignored it here. Anyway, close this thread and whatever.

Yar, I wouldn't annoy Holy if I were you SUP; Holy has no restraint :D + he is a really good shot!

In all fairness, I would have to agree with the majority vote of players. Just my take. I don't play vctf very often - I have played a few times. I find it too confusing to remember which keys are for which guns in vehicles, with my freon kb layout.
I will try playing vctf again soon  ::)


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