Vavoom  (Read 6570 times)


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« on: December 02, 2024, 23:25 »
My player name is Vavoom also,  I haven't played UT2004 in a long time and have been playing on this server for the last month or so.

I downloaded UT2004 from because I can't find my old disc. Everything is working great except I can't mapvote, it just goes back to the change player screen. Any idea how to fix it?


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Re: Vavoom
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2024, 09:43 »

I can't think what could cause that. If you send me a copy of your system/ut2004.log on discord I could have a quick look to see if there's anything obvious there. You can ping me on

There's a line in ut2004.ini in the [Core.System] section which you could try commenting out or temporarily removing:  "Suppress=MapVoteDebug" - that will enable some logging to your ut2004.log - but that's more around the mechanics of map voting rather than the screen itself.