Hey everybody

Here is my map KF-Stonestreet-16
it is about 40mb
all other stuff is in the readme file
R3: http://www.mediafire.com/?7gcuzxbdmwdy720Changes:
-again a better mirror xD its still not perfect but becomes better and better ^^
-Trader door isnt yellow-orange anymore if its closed
-improved some textures from other doors
-converted some brushes like the stairs to Static-meshes (one of them has a little lightning problem know,
but its not that bad and i hope it doesnt disturb you)
-improved ground textures (Stone, sand etc.)
-Darker atmosphere (fog)
-added some blocking Volumes to fix the glitches
-More objects in the backgrounds
-Darker mirror
-improved zombie pathing (they will follow you everywhere muhahaha

-and some other fixed texture stuff etc.
R1 :Fixed:
-You can go now through the broken window to shoot the zombies from there
-Zombies will get you now at the big window (with the rails)
-You dont get stuck now in the bush and in the hole at the backyards side
-Collision with the brown bushes (you can now shoot through it and dont blow up with the law like me xD)
-removed a BSP-Hole there was one at the red roof (BSP-holes = You can look through walls etc.)
-more zombies will come now at the backyards side
-Some buildings and plants in the background (looks better

-Darker background texture
-Darker lights in the rooms
-Better texture in the burning-room (looks more burnt)
-Added one stairs step at the main entrance
-and maybe some other things which i forgot xD
Here is one pic (just one bcause i dont want to show too much


Hope you like it ^^