Nice first map it works and loved the novelty

poom uses ulta low res so here are some pics at higher res:

A couple of mapper bits and pathing issues:
First door not pathed to sealed room so zombies stood outside wandering aimlessly. Also some other doors not pathed thru, and the final lift as well at top position. You can used forced paths: from pathnode to jumpspot even from jumpspot to jumpspot. That would work through the locked doors. And way too many pathnodes - but maybe that's your choice... so np.
The final stage lift - from upstairs I can't get it to move again - maybe it only works one way... Would be a big problem with lots of players who couldn't get to final stage. I hope you thought about that, and that's the only real flaw, the rest if fucking gravy

So yeah man, well done - puzzles and dangers, great!