Game crashes at map load (KF Offices)  (Read 15358 times)


  • 1337
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  • Posts: 641
  • Country: de
Game crashes at map load (KF Offices)
« on: January 01, 2011, 14:21 »
When I wanted to KF-Offices today, I noticed it crashes everytime during loading the map. But yesterday it worked fine o.O

here is the content of my KFMod20.log:

Code: [Select]
Log: Log file open, Sat Jan  1 15:12:54 2011
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Version: 3369 (128.29)
Init: Compiled: Dec 14 2005 17:11:00
Init: Command line: --mod=KFMod20
Init: (This is Linux64 patch version 3369.2)
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Base directory: /usr/local/games/ut2004/System/
Init: Ini:../KFMod20/System/KFMod20.ini   UserIni:../KFMod20/System/KFMod20User.ini
Init: Build label: KFMod Build UT2004_Build_[2005-11-23_16.22]
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: Initializing OpenGLDrv...
Log: binding
Log: Game class is 'GameInfo'
Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 3.020077...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Warning: Missing Texture Texture 2K4Menus.BkRenders.Char01
Log: Browse: KF-Menu.ut2?Name=N3Cr0?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Soldier_Masterson?team=255?Sex=M?SpectatorOnly=1
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 44472->44467; refs: 497539
Log: Game class is 'CinematicGame'
Log: Bringing Level KF-Menu.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 6.579873...
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass1) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass3) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlassMid) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass9) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass3) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.
Warning: Missing Texture Texture KFGUI.GUILabelSelect
Warning: Missing Cubemap Cubemap AW-Cubes.Cubes.PS_Cube
Warning: Missing TexEnvMap TexEnvMap AW-Cubes.Cubes.SunC
Warning: Failed to load 'KF-THS': Can't find file for package 'KF-THS'
Warning: Failed to load 'KF-Celotex': Can't find file for package 'KF-THS'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary KF-Celotex.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'KF-THS'
Warning: Error loading KF-Celotex !
Log: ALAudio: Using ALC_EXT_capture to record audio.
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
ScriptLog: New Player N3Cr0 id=6147d59637f4288d6ee011b11b02d3f3
Log: TTS: No output filename specified.
Log: Enter SetRes: 1920x1080 Fullscreen 1
Log: OpenGL
Log: GL_VENDOR     : NVIDIA Corporation
Log: GL_RENDERER   : GeForce GTS 250/PCI/SSE2
Log: GL_VERSION    : 3.2.0 NVIDIA 195.36.24
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_bgra
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_compression
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_NV_texture_env_combine4
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_multitexture
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_NV_vertex_array_range
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_NV_vertex_array_range2
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_multisample
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_fragment_program
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_vertex_program
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
Log: OpenGL: C32 RGB888 Z24 S0
Log: OpenGL: Level of anisotropy is 1.000000 (max 16.000000).
Log: OpenGL: Have 0 multisamples buffers, 0 samples.
Log: OpenGL: Failed to get a multisample GL context
Log: OpenGL: Forcibly disabled pixel shaders.
Log: OpenGL: Forcibly disabled render-to-texture.
Log: OpenGL: allocated 32 MByte of AGP memory
Log: Startup time: 6.885940 seconds
ModAuthor: KFGUI.KFGUIController OpenMenu [KFGUI.KFMainMenu] () ()
ModAuthor: Restoring previously open menus (0 menus to restore)
Log: Precaching: KF-Menu.LevelInfo0
Log: Static mesh batches: 706716 vertex bytes, 128448 index bytes
Log: Allocating 32768 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer.
Log: Finished precaching geometry in 0.059 seconds
Log: Finished precaching textures in 0.034 seconds
ModAuthor: KFGUI.KFGUIController OpenMenu [KFGUI.KFServerBrowser] () ()
ModAuthor: # # # # Internet Games ShowPanel()  True
Log: Defaulting to false
Log: Resolving
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.none': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.none': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.none': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.none': Can't resolve package name
Log: Resolved ->
Log: Connection established.
ModAuthor: KFGUI.KFGUIController CloseMenu [KFServerBrowser]
ModAuthor: KFGUI.KFGUIController OpenMenu [KFGUI.KFGamePageSP] () ()
Warning: Gametype KFMod.KFCinematicGame found but it has no maps
Warning: Gametype KFMod.KFDMGameType found but it has no maps
Warning: Gametype KFMod.KFSPGameType found but it has no maps
ModAuthor: # # # # Gametype ShowPanel()  True
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
ModAuthor: # # # # Select Map ShowPanel()  True
ModAuthor: # # # # Gametype ShowPanel()  False
ScriptLog: PreClientTravel
ModAuthor: KFGUIController CloseAll bCancel:False Forced:True (Currently 2 menus open)
ModAuthor:    Menu[0]:KFMainMenu
ModAuthor:    Menu[1]:KFGamePageSP
ModAuthor: KFGUI.KFGUIController CloseMenu [KFGamePageSP]
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=N3Cr0
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=Engine.Pawn
Log: URL: Adding default option Character=Soldier_Masterson
Log: URL: Adding default option team=255
Log: Browse: KF-Offices?BonusVehicles=false?Game=KFMod.KFGameType?Mutator=NoKarmaAndDoor.NoKarmaAndDoor?RedTeamSymbol=TeamSymbols_UT2003.Teams.DrunkenMasters?BlueTeamSymbol=TeamSymbols_UT2003.Teams.ColdSteel?bAutoNumBots=False?NumBots=0?Listen?Name=N3Cr0?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Soldier_Masterson?team=255
ModAuthor: KFGUI.KFGUIController NotifyLevelChange()
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 53828->51580; refs: 653005
Log: Game class is 'KFGameType'
Log: Bringing Level KF-Offices.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 18.655312...
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlassMid) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass6) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass5) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass4) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass9) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass8) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass3) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass7) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass1) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass6) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass5) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass4) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass9) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass8) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass3) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass7) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass1) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlassMid) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass6) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass5) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass4) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass9) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass8) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass3) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass7) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass1) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass4) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass9) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass8) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass3) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (ShatterGlass1) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
ScriptLog: Mutators NoKarmaAndDoor.NoKarmaAndDoor
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Warning: Missing Texture Texture KFGUI.GUILabelSelect
Warning: Missing Cubemap Cubemap AW-Cubes.Cubes.PS_Cube
Warning: Missing TexEnvMap TexEnvMap AW-Cubes.Cubes.SunC
Warning: Failed to load 'KF-THS': Can't find file for package 'KF-THS'
Warning: Failed to load 'KF-Celotex': Can't find file for package 'KF-THS'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary KF-Celotex.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'KF-THS'
Warning: Error loading KF-Celotex !
ScriptLog: bAutoNumBots: False
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
ScriptLog: KFLRules = KF-Offices.KFLevelRules
ScriptLog: UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7787 successfully bound.
Log: Resolving
ScriptLog: MasterServerUplink: MasterServerGameStats not found - stats uploading disabled.
Log: Defaulting to false
Log: Defaulting to false
Log: Resolving
ScriptLog: Webserver is not enabled.  Set bEnabled to True in Advanced Options.
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport SDLViewport
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package name
Warning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package name
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Offices.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.SetHUDAlpha:02FF) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
ScriptLog: New Player N3Cr0 id=6147d59637f4288d6ee011b11b02d3f3
ModAuthor: KFGUI.KFGUIController OpenMenu [KFGUI.LobbyMenu] () ()
Log: Unknown style requested none
Log: Unknown style requested none
Warning: KFAddBotButton Package.KFAddBotButton (Function KFGUI.KFAddBotButton.InitComponent:0039) Accessed None 'KFGRI'
Warning: KFAddBotButton Package.KFAddBotButton (Function XInterface.GUIComponent.MenuStateChange:00C7) Accessed None 'Controller'
Warning: KFAddBotButton Package.KFAddBotButton (Function XInterface.GUIComponent.MenuStateChange:00EB) Accessed None 'Controller'
ScriptLog: adding temp bot name...   :Soldier_Masterson
ScriptLog: Was the Temp set on the server successfully? True
Warning: LobbyMenu Package.LobbyMenu (Function GUI2K4.UT2k4MainPage.InitComponent:0017) Accessed None 'c_Tabs'
Warning: LobbyMenu Package.LobbyMenu (Function GUI2K4.UT2k4MainPage.InitComponent:001F) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: LobbyMenu Package.LobbyMenu (Function GUI2K4.UT2k4MainPage.InitComponent:002B) Accessed None 't_Header'
Warning: LobbyMenu Package.LobbyMenu (Function GUI2K4.UT2k4MainPage.InitComponent:0033) Attempt to assign variable through None
PostLogin: KF-Offices.KFPlayerReplicationInfo N3Cr0 2
Log: MasterServerUplink: Resolved as
Log: Resolved (
ScriptLog: UdpGameSpyUplink: Master Server is
ScriptLog: UdpGameSpyUplink: Port 7788 successfully bound.
Log: Precaching: KF-Offices.LevelInfo0
Log: Static mesh batches: 5781852 vertex bytes, 828528 index bytes
Log: Allocating 32768 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer.
Log: Allocating 71876 byte dynamic vertex buffer.
Log: Allocating 101976 byte dynamic vertex buffer.
Log: Allocating 104356 byte dynamic vertex buffer.
Log: Allocating 518400 byte dynamic vertex buffer.
Developer Backtrace:
Log: [ 1]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64() [0xb29bad]
Log: [ 2]  /lib/ [0x7f56c1a6b8f0]
Log: [ 3]  /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ [0x7f56bcb2fcf0]
Log: [ 4]  /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ [0x7f56bcc18b80]
Log: [ 5]  /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ [0x7f56bcc1a823]
Log: [ 6]  /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ [0x7f56bc7ad149]
Log: [ 7]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(_ZN22FOpenGLRenderInterface13DrawPrimitiveE14EPrimitiveTypeiiii+0x2e3) [0xd2ea23]
Log: [ 8]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(_ZN22FOpenGLRenderInterface9DrawQuadsEii+0xb0) [0xd2f000]
Log: [ 9]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(_ZN15AxWeatherEffect6RenderEP15FLevelSceneNodeP16FRenderInterface+0x31f) [0x9b4bcf]
Log: [10]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(_ZN13FDynamicActor6RenderEP15FLevelSceneNodeP5TListIP13FDynamicLightEPS2_IP20FProjectorRenderInfoEP16FRenderInterface+0x449) [0x7e66d9]
Log: [11]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64() [0x816761]
Log: [12]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(_Z11RenderLevelP15FLevelSceneNodeP16FRenderInterface+0x1111) [0x812471]
Log: [13]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(_ZN15FLevelSceneNode6RenderEP16FRenderInterface+0x654) [0x7f3d44]
Log: [14]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(_ZN16FPlayerSceneNode6RenderEP16FRenderInterface+0x1e0) [0x7f89e0]
Log: [15]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(_ZN11UGameEngine4DrawEP9UViewportiPhPi+0x9e1) [0x69b921]
Log: [16]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(_ZN12USDLViewport7RepaintEi+0x46) [0xd1d106]
Log: [17]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(_ZN10USDLClient4TickEv+0xd9) [0xd1ab09]
Log: [18]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(_ZN11UGameEngine4TickEf+0x5d4) [0x6a0f54]
Log: [19]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(_ZN9CMainLoop7RunLoopEv+0x123) [0x53d2a3]
Log: [20]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64() [0x53344f]
Log: [21]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(main+0x33a0) [0x52f1a0]
Log: [22]  /lib/ [0x7f56c0f81c4d]
Log: [23]  ./ut2004-bin-linux-amd64(strcat+0xaa) [0x52bc2a]
Log: Unreal Call Stack: FOpenGLRenderInterface::DrawPrimitive <- FOpenGLRenderInterface::DrawQuads <- FDynamicActor::Render <- RenderLevel <- FLevelSceneNode::Render <- FPlayerSceneNode::Render <- UGameEngine::Draw <- USDLViewport::Repaint <- USDLClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
Exit: Exiting.
Log: FileManager: Reading 0 GByte 89 MByte 254 KByte 98 Bytes from HD took 0.085088 seconds (0.085088 reading, 0.000000 seeking).
Log: FileManager: 0.000000 seconds spent with misc. duties
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Allocation checking disabled
Uninitialized: Log file closed, Sat Jan  1 15:13:14 2011

I hope someone can help me.



  • 1337
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  • Posts: 641
  • Country: de
Re: Game crashes at map load (KF Offices)
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, 14:33 »
Seems it has nothing to do with my KF directory: even a complete reinstall ends in the same error.
So I think it's something with the UT2004



  • 1337
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  • Country: de
Re: Game crashes at map load (KF Offices)
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2011, 19:42 »
Now I have reinstalled the UT2004megapack and the 3369 patch - nothing has changed  :'( ffs



  • 1337
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Re: Game crashes at map load (KF Offices)
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2011, 16:10 »
Well, after endless tries I've found out how to set up a dedicated server on Linux.
I can't believe it, but KF-Offices now runs on that server - only the listen server causes this issue. :)

Edit: It only works if I am still on the server, but not while connecting -.-
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 16:16 by N3Cr0 »



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    • rajliv
Re: Game crashes at map load (KF Offices)
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2011, 18:18 »
I got no idea. If it worked before but now doesn't, I'd ask myself what have I changed in UT2004/KFMod lately.


  • 1337
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Re: Game crashes at map load (KF Offices)
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2011, 13:02 »
It works on my other computer (Windows version), so maybe it has sth to do with my Linux, idk what.
However, now I can even connect to my windowsserver running the map :)
