Buglist  (Read 63122 times)


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« on: March 22, 2011, 08:57 »
Post whatever bugs of KFMod2.52 here.
I'll update the first post with the bugs you have posted.

This is just to have some sort of overview. I've run into many different bugs every now and then, but since I don't write them down, I forget them fast. So that's why we have this topic now.
I'll get this started with random few that come to my mind.

  • Hunting shotgun ammo refills after being dropped by died player
  • Switching weapons causes nade throwing sometimes
  • FF is on when it's by dead player? Eg nade teamkills patched
  • Sometimes when player blows up, everyone's KF crashes (something with ragdoll?)
  • Throwing a nade at already destroyed door recalls the door destroyal effect
  • Shooting winchester during falling makes you take no fall dmg  patched
  • Hunting shotgun can be used for boosting jumps  patched
  • Bloats' puking does no damage.
  • Bloats stand still while puking (?)
  • LAW does no damage to doors (it used to)

« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 20:09 by [MiA]Raj »


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Re: Buglist
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2011, 19:53 »
    • Throwing a nade at already destroyed door recalls the door destroyal effect
    Raj sometimes when you shoot that place with a HS the same effect will come .


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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #2 on: June 29, 2011, 16:37 »
    If you stand in front of a static mesh or a wall and knife it, blood will appear and you'll hear an appendant sound.
    Does this count as a bug?


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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #3 on: June 29, 2011, 16:45 »
    I'd actually have to question the bloat bile one; it takes a few seconds to register but it will hurt you after a few seconds of constant bile-ination.
    Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #4 on: June 30, 2011, 00:36 »
    I'd actually have to question the bloat bile one; it takes a few seconds to register but it will hurt you after a few seconds of constant bile-ination.

    If you stand in front of a static mesh or a wall and knife it, blood will appear and you'll hear an appendant sound.
    Does this count as a bug?

    Bugs bugs XD

    Hamada noticed bloat bile doesn't harm players (when they spew), so he'll fix that, damn it  :'(  A slight delay when bloat dies, I guess consider that as time bile takes to seep thru the soldier's uniform...?
    The hit wall get blood appeared after the last fix of the original modder Alex Quick... or whoever fixed it.  Doesn't look good.  I'll drop that into conversation sometime with Hamada :)

    The hs reload - Hamada did it that way on purpose.  Before hs use to be always empty... so maybe that's a good bug?

    Door explode, explode, and karma crashes around too, sounding like doors breaking.  In Airport I added karma and crash, crash sound of it moving when no one is there.  Anyhow, Hamada has fixed karma for v3 so maybe that will get rid of the door problem too...

    Bloats move as their target player moves.  So V3 is going to have some nasty bloats :/

    The nade throw, I noticed that xd.  Hope it can be fixed... best I can say.

    « Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 00:38 by Snipe34 »


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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #5 on: June 30, 2011, 05:35 »
    The nade throw, I noticed that xd.  Hope it can be fixed... best I can say.

    are you guys sure that it isn't just "i tried to switch weapons but i pushed the scroll button too hard and threw a nade"? :-X

    i have a mouse with 2 extra keys, and i regularly trigger the massage under my scroll key"need medical attention mate!" but never throw a nade while switching weapons


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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 08:47 »
    I've noticed bug with dual 9mm's. Sometimes you can pick up second 9mm even total weight is full (i think that pistol was dropped by dead player). And when you'll come to shop, "clip" and "buy" buttons is disabled - that's because player can't buy armor sometimes, i think. But if you sold bug 9mm, all be fine.


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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #7 on: June 30, 2011, 15:15 »
    The nade throw, I noticed that xd.  Hope it can be fixed... best I can say.

    are you guys sure that it isn't just "i tried to switch weapons but i pushed the scroll button too hard and threw a nade"? :-X

    i have a mouse with 2 extra keys, and i regularly trigger the massage under my scroll key"need medical attention mate!" but never throw a nade while switching weapons

    ... sounds a little bit like the last bug I experienced:
    I had a Winchester in my hand and couldn't reload , then I noticed my ammo decreasing till it was empty - also I couldn't shoot. Also I couldn't switch to another weapon. Then I threw it away and I was fine - even after re-pickup the bug was gone.
    Anyway, I never had this bug before - seems there is no need to fix it

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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #8 on: July 01, 2011, 04:00 »
     >:( Bugs,

    I just played KF-ArtGallery a few minutes ago and I noticed (a couple of times, I think) that when I threw a shotgun and tried to access my hunter shotgun, that I couldn't get any weapon! Nothing shows in my FPS view. Even when I use the middle mouse to scroll.


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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #9 on: July 01, 2011, 13:21 »

    The hs reload - Hamada did it that way on purpose.  Before hs use to be always empty... so maybe that's a good bug?

    You mean the bug where HS dropped by dead player has full ammo? How is this good. Most players who manage to die with HS are wasters that kill even single stalkers with it. So if they're dead, instead of picking up their almost-empty HS, they get a full one to waste more as reward.

    I just played KF-ArtGallery a few minutes ago and I noticed (a couple of times, I think) that when I threw a shotgun and tried to access my hunter shotgun, that I couldn't get any weapon! Nothing shows in my FPS view. Even when I use the middle mouse to scroll.

    You mean you threw one weapon and another didn't show up anymore? Never had this happen.


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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #10 on: July 01, 2011, 17:00 »
    Top this one:
    I got a winchester with 8 full magazines. I threw it away, picked up a dual 9mm, threw it away again. Then I picked up my old winchester and it had no ammo... :S

    And when I tried to buy ammo, it was still empty and I had to rebuy a wini.
    « Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 17:07 by Vanico »


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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #11 on: July 01, 2011, 23:25 »
    I have one too, when the Bloats start vomiting at you, they stand too far away to hurt you. Every time.
    Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #12 on: July 03, 2011, 21:30 »
    I have one too, when the Bloats start vomiting at you, they stand too far away to hurt you. Every time.

    The puke vile doesn't work -only works after they explode.  Hamada will be fixing it.

    At present with the 9mm, be careful with pickup and drop, because the no guns bug happens.  And then you need to reconnect to the game server.  Poom, maybe there was a 9mm pickup in there somewhere...?

    HS - Hamada changed it to that.  Before it was always empty.  I guess discuss it with him if you don't like it.


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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #13 on: September 03, 2011, 22:28 »
    Really i like this game every thing is nice about it killing zomies , soon driving cars and looking at someones hard worke but WTF how the hell can a siren scream with no head ??????????????????????????? Today we were playing with N3CR0 Arcade map and it was 8 wave i see a siren coming from the the corner and i shoot it with HS and wtf i see i died by the scream but how ? really she was not even starting to scream and yet still i die .. please do something about the headless siren scream .... :'(


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    Re: Buglist
    « Reply #14 on: September 03, 2011, 23:43 »
    Really i like this game every thing is nice about it killing zomies , soon driving cars and looking at someones hard worke but WTF how the hell can a siren scream with no head ??????????????????????????? Today we were playing with N3CR0 Arcade map and it was 8 wave i see a siren coming from the the corner and i shoot it with HS and wtf i see i died by the scream but how ? really she was not even starting to scream and yet still i die .. please do something about the headless siren scream .... :'(

    From what I have seen in her code, they made it so the Siren with no head cannot do scream damage.  But Hamada had increased her scream, also the after-effect scream when she dies.  I guess tiny lag and after-effect got you :/