Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
>:( To Snipe34,
--- Quote ---It already helped Mahls who is starting to realize he can win without cheats.
--- End quote ---
Say what? I do cheats because I didn't want to chuck around with a map. Also, when I want to figure things out in the map and not worry about getting killed before I figure things out. Besides, I am getting kind of tired playing KF with basically the same maps. I can't wait for KF 3.0 to come out!
'Tis the idea of the game: figure out what's going on with a zombie horde trying to bite your brain 8) I meant, well done, nice to see you improving. Bored? - try some different attack styles of play and it becomes a whole new game.
Found the HUD colours. All KF DefaultProperty colours were deleted, so yep, it defaulted to UT colours. Dunno why hamada would do that, maybe he had Vanico style hud in mind... ???
Medic distance to heal increased and added more $$$ reward for Medic healing. Did some messing with vet stuff like adding more HS ammo for Commando (which somewhere I saw should be increased but it wasn't). Also the RPG 7 support Vet can buy 23 rockets like the LAW.
We discussed perks before. I can add another perk if everyone agrees on something. The super berserker wouldn't be good - some dick (like me ^^) with super speed dodging zombies and patty would totally ruin the game. Oh - I dunno how to make level up of old perks, only totally new perks.
A weapons carrier Perk might be good, carry multiple weapons (for other players) so walk really slowly... But seems a hard one to code dammit.
Alex did a great job of KF game balance (besides the whole concept) and I worry about messing that up.
Some perk that doesn't mean super speed...
>:( TO Snipe34,
--- Quote ---I can add another perk if everyone agrees on something.
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YES! That is a great idea! Maybe a combination of 2 perks? Commando and suport? Comsup? More weapons and more ammo?
--- Quote ---A weapons carrier Perk might be good, carry multiple weapons (for other players) so walk really slowly...
--- End quote ---
I was going to suggest that. Maybe you can add 2 more weapons when you have a LAW and a hunter shotgun. Make it so the player can carry a bullpup or an uzi too. And the other grenade launcher. Plus, is it possible to make the grenades more than what it is now? Like add 10 more?
--- Quote ---A weapons carrier Perk might be good, carry multiple weapons (for other players) so walk really slowly...
--- End quote ---
IMO a bad idea: we already have the support specialist.
But the firebug perk would make more sense (normally nobody uses the flamethrower).
...or what about a camouflage-perk?
... or sth that you let some zeds fight for you?
Firebug, yep, sounds good.
Hmmm maybe we need a mahls perk... I'm half serious here, but who knows - serious side it's a game, rules make it work a certain way. Too easy - no point playing.
Some zs fight for you. How... idk coding that well. I need to take the code from somewhere. I'll have a look around...
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