Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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UTk4 vs UDK.   SCs of the static meshes but in different engines.  (ok, UDK scene is little dark, but lightening it, np there is only 1 light for the whole thing  :D)

Besides the obvious consistent shadows in udk, the obvious difference can be seen in the rail against the wall above the plain brick.  In the UTk4 pic the rail has a constant brightness right thru.
btw the udk shadows can be seen real-time in the edtior - i move a mesh away from the wall and it shows the changing shadow against the wall.

Also in UDK the bump-mapping, if you click enlarge link ^^

so yeah, utk4 is bright/dark for no obvious reason, but udk looks consistent - very pleasing :)

Yep N3Cro I intend to build a new KF with STORYMODE  ;D

Hicks, UDK is not actually UT3.  UT3 is a little dated, but UDK is updated.   They just had a January update - I'm dl now.   UDK is a free dl - 1.89gb...   Poom I think once you play around a little with UDK you may find it easier than UTk4

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<img src="" title="Hosted by" alt="" /></a>

Not again an update! and now it's even much bigger xD
I think I will stick to the December version until I have learned more about it.

 :) To Snipe34,

I found a couple of apps that extract and decompress *.upk files. Download link is - Just move the *.upk file to the extract.exe apps and it will automatically convert it to a folder file.

Thx for that link Poom.  Hamada also recommended Gildor for UTk4 extractions, which for me seemed to have limited functionality, but I'm more into making my own stuff anyway.

The Jan 12 version of UDK has a mesh combiner and I tried that but it warped one of the meshes I combined.  Again like Gildor's stuff I don't give them the attention they deserve.  Upshot, yep, Dec 2011 UDK version is fine :)

Hello ! Nice work you guys are doing here! Good luck and don't give up !! :)


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