Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Hicks and Slim, Medic gun... there will be the M10, with 50 shot magazine or dual M10s may be useful to you ^^ (sry for Storymode only) But I hope the Taurus Raging Bull will be useful in Survival. Since you guys are interested in the Medic perk I'll ask Hamada to pay some attention to that. And did I mention, the Taurus comes with a speed loader... It's shown in the pic of mesh-only above - the cylinder revolver thing below the gun.
Can't show you a whole lot, mainly the work is being done by Hamada. He put aside the stand-alone Browning MG for the moment (which is code from old KF that they couldn't get working either), and he's fixing up storymode.
Along with 'find item and bring it to objective' he implemented "Hold Objective." Players must hold an area for a certain amount of time. I'm not exactly sure what happens then... I wouldn't like it if 'end game' because objective not held. Maybe 'Hold Objective' is like if a zombie gets in the objective area, that area blows up - would be cool muha =D
I still have to work out the code of the Challenger2 MG turret which seems impossible just now - I have to connect a gun to gun...and MeowCat of TD Vehicles and Yarm warned me about that but I'll try. Otherwise Challenger2 will have no MG turret. Maybe then I could place a driver - or maybe the tank should have a driver and separate cannon turret guy. I mean that at the moment there is only the cannon turret guy who also drives. I would like more than 1 guy in the tank.
And the Taurus Raging Bull - it's the icon pic so low detail. Almost ready to begin animation on the full size version.
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Wow :o I guess, with this pistol scrake will die by 2-3 bullets :D
--- Quote ---or maybe the tank should have a driver and separate cannon turret guy
--- End quote ---
I think that would be nice.
--- Quote ---Since you guys are interested in the Medic perk I'll ask Hamada to pay some attention to that.
--- End quote ---
Another good news, thanks ;)
Why are so many useful guns storymode only? :(
Anyway, Hicks, doesn't the Deagle already down a scrake with a few shots into the head? ^^
--- Quote ---Anyway, Hicks, doesn't the Deagle already down a scrake with a few shots into the head? ^^
--- End quote ---
Actually, 4-5 bullets if you are sharpshooter (first 2 shot off the head, last 2 kill). I think you will have same results with support specialist, but can't say exactly - i don't use HC with that perk. For medic or other perks without bonus damage for headshots (or overall), scrake dies by 6-8 bullets. Most people just not give much attention for this perfect weapon and i think, main problem here is a difficult aiming :D
I hope that the Taurus is stronger than the Handcannon, and not just a copy... ^^
But how much stronger could it be, when HC is a one hit kill for gorefasts? 4 Hit Kill for Fleshpounds, or what?
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