Kreative Korner > Maps & Mapping
just playing it now.....
Some big problems with the bathroom area space wise - too small. Zombies stuck. Smaller monsters are ok. But big ones, the whole map jams up.
Also i suggest you delete all zombie volumes and replace with default.
BUT, [apart from being too narrow in toilet] was a great map to play :)
mc was stuck up there...
can't see it here, but zombies are moving in circles
--- Quote from: Hicks on January 12, 2012, 21:11 ---Not so hard for many players :P Also, some movers, meshes and props would be nice.
--- End quote ---
One nooby question: how can I make the disco ball spinning permanently?
I know I have to work with the keyframes, but I don't know how to trigger/activate the mover permanently, and the tutorials just describe how to trigger them by players.
Open Mover properties, then select Object->InitialState->ConstantLoop. Thats that. :3
Thank you very much! It's moving!
Now I have to fix the movement, but I guess it will be easy.
EDIT: It still looks aweful: it stops moving for a short moment after each key.
EDIT2: It moves clockwise and back against clockwise :/
but Even if I can fix this one time: I will have some trouble with a not well working trigger light (disco light) ;(
Okay...I wasn't remembering right. Now here are the exact steps to make a Rotating Mover.
Object -> InitialState-> RotatingMover
Movement -> Physics-> PHYS_Rotating
Mover -> MoverEncroachType-> IgnoreWhenEncroach
Movement -> RotationRate -> Yaw 50000 (Its the speed of the rotation.)
Movement -> bFixedRotationDir-> True
So you don't have to use keyframes at all.
Hope it helped. :3
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