Wave-based Olde Tower Type Maps Tutorial...  (Read 14984 times)


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Wave-based Olde Tower Type Maps Tutorial...
« on: January 24, 2012, 00:41 »
 >:( To AudreyRafael,

Well here we go. This shouldn't take too long. The main thing to know is the actor that triggers the wave-based mover to activate is the trader door. Go to your trader door and open its properties and scroll down to the MoverEvents, and down to ClosingEvent. Type in the name of your counter.

Then we come to the hard part. Using counters, message triggers, and scriptted triggers.

You get the counter by click on the Actor browser on top (chess pawn) and scrolling down to Triggers. Then go down to Counter.

Get your Counter and open its properties and scroll down to Counter and then to NumToCount. Type in 1 for the first wave, and type in 2 for the next counter for the second wave, and so on. Then scroll down to Events and go down to Event and type in the NAME of your first door (mover). Then go down to Tag and type in the NAME you typed in earlier on your trader door's MoverEvents, ClosingEvent. These counters are what activates your wave-based doors. You should have a total of 9 counters for the 9 waves.

The next item you need is the MessageTrigger. You get that from Triggers.

Open the MessageTrigger, and go down to Events and then to Tag. Type in NAME you gave the counter Events, Event. Then scroll down to MessageTrigger and Message. Type in the message you want when the wave ends and the wave-based door opens. And you do the same for the next MessageTriggers until you do the whole wave 9.

The rest should be relatively easy. They are all based on the trader door's MoverEvents. The ScripttedTriggers are merely cosmetic.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 02:08 by poompoom500 »


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Re: Wave-based Olde Tower Type Maps Tutorial...
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2012, 19:02 »
Thanks Poom for your effort here, I think this is the info Audrey wanted... Audrey, are you there?


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Re: Wave-based Olde Tower Type Maps Tutorial...
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2012, 21:05 »
 :) To Snipe34,

I think this is the info Audrey wanted...
I know. He PMed me about it. BTW, I got your PM about more of KF3 beta. I am looking forward to testing it for you. And how's UDK coming along? It uses *.udk files. I ahve to figure out how to extract them.

And AudreyRafael is going to make an Olde Tower version map, I think.


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Re: Wave-based Olde Tower Type Maps Tutorial...
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2012, 23:23 »
Not extactly and old tower map, but a map where thing happen after each waves, ... I'll test thing like making the dit a popular map, then i'll make a costum map.

the edit , is like a test... a little one.

Just have trouble controlling the number of zombies spawn, right now
 But I know one way.. hoverer , it is long.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 04:58 by Audrey-Rafael »


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Re: Wave-based Olde Tower Type Maps Tutorial...
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2012, 19:46 »
@ poompoom500
First of all: thanks for the great tutorial.
But I have some issues with my door: I can only trigger it by running against it. I have compared it with the door from KF-OldeTower and I couldn't find the difference.
The only difference here should be that I don't need a message trigger in my map yet.

So could you please add how to make the door to your tutorial?

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: Wave-based Olde Tower Type Maps Tutorial...
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2012, 01:48 »
 :-X To Necro,

Sorry for the delay in response. I wasn't able to check Miasma til a few minutes ago. Anyways, here goes.

The way to activate your DOORS (MOVERS) in sequence is by using the COUNTER - read above on COUNTERS.

You sequence your COUNTERS by typing the number starting from 1 on the COUNTER's Counter\NumToCount. The COUNTER's Events\Tag is the name you use on your TRADER DOOR's MoverEvents\ClosingEvent.

Pixelscope had the COUNTERS and the MESSAGE TRIGGERS located by the right side of the tower ground level. You have to name (Events\Tag) your DOORS by the name you give your COUNTER Events\Event.

NOTE: Make sure your DOORS' Mover\b_TriggerOnceOnly is set to FALSE (default). And the  Object\InitialState is set to TRIGGERADVANCE.

And that should fix your door problem.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 02:34 by poompoom500 »


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Re: Wave-based Olde Tower Type Maps Tutorial...
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2012, 03:44 »
I was thinking of making a wave-based bonus map, with thing unlocked, when you've done a wave or etc, such as trader, who only open, when wave 9 is done, exemple.

Did some testing on a fun version of gas station, I don't think it should be considered, but it is fun. sometimes, surprises are great. such fp at the end wave 1


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Re: Wave-based Olde Tower Type Maps Tutorial...
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2012, 16:29 »
Thanks, but there's still a problem: the door initialises its state to open and cannot be closed -.-

Ah, and before I forget: my counter only triggers at the beginning of the chosen wave, even if I set the trader door to opening event. But I wanna trigger my actions at the end of a wave.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 16:32 by N3Cr0 »

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: Wave-based Olde Tower Type Maps Tutorial...
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2012, 18:29 »
 >:( To Necro,

What you need to do is SET your doors to OPEN/CLOSE positions.

Place your door in the CLOSED position. OPEN its PROPERTIES and go down to MOVER then to NUMKEYS. It should be set to 2 as default (which means you can move it in 2 positions). Go up a little to KEYNUM and set to 0. RIGHT CLICK on the door and scroll to MOVER then to KEY 0 (BASE). Then SAVE.

Next thing it open DOOR PROPERTIES, and scroll down to MOVER, and to KEYNUM. Set it to 1.

Now you need to position your DOOR to OPEN. This you do manually by clicking on the door, then press and hold the CTRL key and move with mouse using RIGHT BUTTON. Then you RIGHT CLICK on the DOOR and scroll to MOVER. Then scroll over to KEY 1. Click, then SAVE.

SAVE everything, then BUILD ALL. FINALLY, set MOVER\KEYNUM (from DOOR PROPERTIES) back to 0. SAVE and BUILD ALL. Then SAVE one more time.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 18:47 by poompoom500 »


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Re: Wave-based Olde Tower Type Maps Tutorial...
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2012, 18:36 »
Thank you very much.
Damn,maybe I should have taken one more look in a mover tutorial xD Sorry for bugging you.
I thought all my standard movers in my map are totally buggy.

I gonna try it later on this evening.

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de