Gametype - Jailbreak  (Read 22658 times)


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Gametype - Jailbreak
« on: April 28, 2012, 05:53 »
I was speaking to Raj about this on the ONS server earlier and I thought I would share this with the rest of you guys.

There is a Gametype that I am a HUGE fan of, and that is Jailbreak.

Here's a quick summary:
Quote from: jailbreak beyondunreal
In Jailbreak, like in many other game types, your objective is to frag the opposing players — but unlike other game types, fragged players go straight into safe custody in the enemy jail when they're killed. To get them out of there, one of their teammates will have to fight his way into the enemy base and trigger the jail release switch that's hidden there (Jailbreak!). It is your task to defend your prison release switch and to free your own teammates when they're in jail. If your opponents manage to get all members of your team in prison, the opposing team will score a point, and your team will die a horrible death.

Jailbreak strongly focuses on team play and forces players to take on different roles for their team as the game goes on: defending their release switch, going into offense to frag opponents, or attacking the enemy base to release your own team members from prison. You'll have to be a versatile player to survive and win a game of Jailbreak.

Quick YouTube video of how players die in the default maps: Jailreak for Unreal Tournament 2004

Official Jailbreak website: Jailbreak Website

Now I know Raj has to pay money to rent a server =P but I'm not gonna ask for that quite yet =P I want you guys to check this out and if it becomes an interesting topic between us, maybe we could have another server ;P I wouldn't mind donating a good amount of cash to help out with such though =] Though a listen server would be cool every once in a while xD

Just my 2 cents -Bigbigbuddy


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Re: Gametype - Jailbreak
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2012, 06:19 »
Well Raj will probably need more than two cents to pay for a server. I am a good fan of jail break sadly the match just seems to quick, and to reliant on your allies.


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Re: Gametype - Jailbreak
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2012, 06:33 »
Well "Just my 2 cents" is a saying as in, "here is what I had to say, or here is my input" but I would obviously donate more than that =P

Jailbreak isn't that fast if you increase the score limit =P that's why I prefer a limit of 5 over the average 3 =] and by heavily relying on your allies it only boosts the want for strategy and true team play. I typically play this with bots and friends so I haven't really had much of a chance to play with others online =/ except when I got lucky and saw a listen server online, which funny enough was really popular =D


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Re: Gametype - Jailbreak
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2012, 13:10 »
I've played it, quite fun.
I would like a multi-gametype server where this could be included. Maybe some day...


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Re: Gametype - Jailbreak
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2012, 15:49 »
Well "Just my 2 cents" is a saying as in, "here is what I had to say, or here is my input" but I would obviously donate more than that =P

Jailbreak isn't that fast if you increase the score limit =P that's why I prefer a limit of 5 over the average 3 =] and by heavily relying on your allies it only boosts the want for strategy and true team play. I typically play this with bots and friends so I haven't really had much of a chance to play with others online =/ except when I got lucky and saw a listen server online, which funny enough was really popular =D

I was joking about the two cents thing. I'm sorry I meant the time it takes for a whole team to get jailed. Then again I have only played it with bots and with the YaRM mutators.


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Re: Gametype - Jailbreak
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2012, 22:28 »
I've played it, quite fun.
I would like a multi-gametype server where this could be included. Maybe some day...

Actually it's quite possible xD
Once I'm out of school I could focus on this and help out =P

I was joking about the two cents thing. I'm sorry I meant the time it takes for a whole team to get jailed. Then again I have only played it with bots and with the YaRM mutators.

Well increase the teams (I prefer 8-8 or 9-9) and the highest level for bots and you've got yourself competition ;D


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Re: Gametype - Jailbreak
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2012, 18:58 »
I don't play with bots.

Anyone can configure their mapvote to support multiple gametypes. Just a whole new server would be required, since ONS is way tot popular on its own and 90% of KF Mod players will never want to hear of anything other than KF.


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Re: Gametype - Jailbreak
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2012, 19:04 »
well jailbreak is fun but i dont think many people will play it...
once i played a JB server and noone of my team were fighting together... they either just stood around and didnt do anything or they were killing everything...
if ut2k4 would have geomod2.0 the whole building would have crushed


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Re: Gametype - Jailbreak
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2012, 19:09 »
Try UT99 - Players are much more active in JB there :P



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Re: Gametype - Jailbreak
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2012, 00:02 »
I know it requires a whole new server =] and I wouldn't mind donating to the fact =P I also know of a site that has pretty cheap prices for UT2004 servers =P

I've also played JB on UT:GOTY Edition =P it's pretty fun xD but I still believe the UT2004 version is much better ;P